From: Ambress MacNab Date: Fri, 04 May 2001 22:16:39 GMT Subject: NEW: Oxytocin by Ambress 1/2 Source: atxc TITLE: Oxytocin AUTHOR: Ambress CATEGORY: MSR RATING: NC-17 SUMMARY: It's not over yet. AUTHOR'S NOTES: A) This story is not for those who are squeamish about birth and its attendant fleshiness. B) I am a spoiler nun, but I do watch the trailers. If you're too pure for that, you might want to skip this one. THANKS: To bugs, LizardChyck, Lysandra, Anjou, Suzanne Laura, Branwell, Ann and bugs' mom (can you believe I needed so many beta readers for a 30k story? Well, I did.) FEEDBACK: DISCLAIMER: They do not belong to me, and I play with them for love, not profit. WEBSITE: "Unfolding Like a Flower: Ambress' X-Files Fanfiction" "The neurohormone oxytocin is responsible for initiating childbirth and the let-down reflex in lactating women and is released during sexual orgasm. Oxytocin has been thought of as an affiliation hormone because research on nonhuman mammals has demonstrated that it plays a key role in the initiation of maternal behavior and the formation of adult pair bonds." --"Preliminary research on plasma oxytocin in normal cycling women: investigating emotion and interpersonal distress" Psychiatry 1999 Summer; 62(2):97-113. "Love's mysteries in souls do grow, But yet the body is his book." --John Donne, "The Ecstasy" "It's not over yet." Mulder, staring down into the face of what is unarguably his daughter, doesn't understand what Reyes means. The baby's face is so tiny, he is unclear how exactly a nose that size could fit on it. It is so strange. Before, he had always thought that babies all resembled one another, more or less. But this one: he would recognize her anywhere. He has never seen a baby that looked so much like a person. At first, he had been worried. When he'd first seen more than just the reddish bulging top of her head, she hadn't looked quite human. Bluish-grey, and it had been hard to tell her features exactly, because she was covered in white goo, and some greenish black goo, and blood. Reyes had been busy attending to Scully, so Mulder had taken it upon himself to clean the baby up. Her face had emerged from beneath the washcloth, fairly human in appearance, and she had started to turn a slightly pinker color, relieving Mulder of his most pressing worry. "Is he okay?" Scully had called to him, her voice thready, but laced with fear. He had smiled across the room at her, "Rocko is a Roxanne," he had answered. "A girl?" Scully had sounded both hopeful and tearful. "Yeah. " He had grinned at her. He's cleaned Roxanne up as well as possible in their limited accommodations. Still, she resembles a red little troll, festooned in bodily fluids of various shades. She doesn't cry. Her eyes just move about the room, as yet unable to focus. They are bluish green, and Mulder hopes they will stay that color. The little arches of her eyebrows are astonishing, just like her mother's. He has a difficult time forcing his gaze away from the baby's face to address Reyes, but he manages. He clears his throat, which suddenly seems to need it. "What do you mean?" "The birth, Mulder." Reyes says. "It isn't over." Reyes appears a little harried herself. Hair disheveled, and circles under her eyes, the desire for a cigarette is written all over her face. Mulder focuses his gaze on Scully, on the only bed in the one room cabin. Pale, and with exhaustion coming off of her in waves, sweat shines on her face and chest, and tendrils of damp hair stick to her face. He glances down at the baby in his arms, and back at Reyes with a quizzical expression. "She's not having twins," he comments dryly. Reyes shakes her head. "She hasn't passed the placenta yet." Reyes has been massaging Scully's abdomen, under Scully's instructions, since the baby arrived. She has been trying to stimulate the expulsion of the afterbirth. "Don't talk about me like I'm not here." Scully speaks in a heavy tone. She doesn't take her eyes off Roxanne, watching Mulder hold her. "Sorry, Dana," says Reyes. She looks genuinely sorry-- soft and sympathetic--and that starts to make Mulder nervous. This is the woman who stomped all over Doggett's sorest psychological spots very recently. Even more recently she has hollered "PUSH!" at Scully in tones that would have impressed a Marine drill sergeant. How bad must things be, to inspire that tone in her voice? "It hasn't been that long," Mulder protests, wanting to believe that everything could be fine for just five minutes, dammit. He wants time to be thankful that this little girl is human, and that she is here. Surely it has only been a short time since Scully had pushed that final time, making the most amazingly primitive noise he had ever heard as she did it. Maybe fifteen minutes. "How long has it been?" Scully asks Reyes. The room had been lit by daylight when this process had first begun. Now the night has begun to be replaced by day again. Streaks of dawn cross the room. Mulder thinks he can hear birds singing somewhere. Outside, Doggett has been patrolling the perimeter like a German shepherd since they got there. He is determined to let no one get to Scully. Mulder likes that about him. Reyes checks her watch. "It's been forty minutes." "How much blood have I lost?" Scully asks next. He can see, and he wonders if Reyes can, how much concentration it requires for Scully to run through her checklist right now. Reyes and Mulder both inspect the bed and the floor. There are bloody towels everywhere. Mulder can smell the iron in the air. "A lot," Reyes finally says. Mulder feels a flare of anger, and worries that she is frightening Scully, but Scully just nods, a tiny inclination of her head. Mulder knows that expression. That's Scully's look when she is going to screw her courage to the sticking place and go on. "Yes, you're right. It's been too long. It has to come out." Mulder's eyes move back and forth between the women. Not for the first time, he wishes that he had found out a little more about this whole process. He had stifled the urge to research obsessively--though he had pored through What to Expect When You're Expecting--afraid that to micro-manage Scully's pregnancy would be presuming too much. He wishes he had focused a little more on what could go wrong from within, instead of worrying about forces without. Leaning back against the pillows, Scully's look of dazed exhaustion is replaced by tense determination. She drags herself a little bit further up on the bed; Reyes moves over to help her. Scully takes a deep breath, visibly putting her back up against something. She looks at Roxanne, in Mulder's arms, giving her a long hungry look, as though drinking up the sight of her, storing it like a camel for a long journey. "Can you do it?" Scully asks Reyes. Lead coats the inside of his belly. Scully and Reyes are both so tense. Scully seems to be barely suppressing the urge to panic, and Reyes looks afraid to ask what precisely Scully is asking her to do. "What the hell are you talking about?" Mulder demands. Both women turn their heads in synchronous motion to stare at him as if a creature from another world has just landed in their midst. Finally, Scully says, "You'll have to give the baby to Agent Doggett to hold, Mulder. Reyes will need you to hold me down." To Reyes she says, "You have a smaller hand, and arm." Reyes' eyes widen, but she gulps, and nods. "Hold you *down*?" Mulder's mouth drops open. Scully is already giving Reyes instructions: "Wash your arms, all the way up to your biceps, and then put on the latex gloves. We should really have long gloves, but it's too late . . . for that now." She pauses, seemingly to catch her breath. "You need to--do it in one sweeping stroke. You just need to detach it from the walls of the uterus and then scoop it out. It's important that it come out whole, or I could develop septicemia." Mulder has turned as pale as Scully. His brain is still back at "hold me down." He sees her face, and realizes that no matter how hard she is trying to hide it, she is truly frightened. That scares him more than the blood, than her words. He can't even bring himself to think about how exposed, how wide-open this procedure will leave Scully--the likelihood of infection. . . The air in the cabin seems suddenly too thin. Mulder is lightheaded, and tells himself not to be a dickhead and faint now. Catching his breath, "Isn't there something else we could try?" he asks her, gently, trying not to make a difficult situation worse. He really doesn't want to be involved in any situation where he has to hold Scully down, but he will do it if it has to be done. She starts to shake her head, "If we don't do it, I will bleed to death." Mulder can't stop his recoil, doubling over slightly as though he's been punched in the gut. Scully goes on, "If we had Pitocin," and then stops, her expression indicating consideration of sudden inspiration. "Oxytocin sometimes will stimulate contractions," she says finally. Mulder gives a short shake of his head in a demand for explanation. "It's a hormone, Mulder." Scully reads his nonverbal cues accurately, in spite of her exhaustion. "It's stimulated by nursing, and it makes the uterus contract. It might not work. Pitocin doesn't always work either." Mulder suspects that she is warning herself, trying not to get her hopes up. Reyes grasps the situation right away. "Let's try the baby," she says. Scully had offered the baby her breast after Mulder had cleaned her up, but Roxanne hadn't seemed ready to nurse. Now, Mulder hands her back to Scully, strangely reluctant to let her pass out of his arms. He doesn't know who he is to this child. He is her father, but is she his child? Doggett comes in the room then, and there is a whispered consultation between him and Reyes. Mulder assumes that she is explaining the situation to him. Mulder pities Doggett when he sees him looking at Roxanne. He can only imagine what memories are working in the other man when Doggett reaches over to touch her fuzzy head. Scully adjusts the child in her arms, touching her cheek softly with her index finger, gently stimulating the reflex that will cause her to turn her head and discover her mother's nipple. She doesn't seem to know what to do with it when she finds it though, making no attempt to latch on. After a few minutes of gentle encouragement, Scully concedes defeat. "She's just not hungry yet, or she's just not ready. I don't know." Scully looks to Mulder as though she is about to cry. "Okay, let's do it fast." End Part One Oxytocin, Part Two "Wait, Agent Scully," Doggett interjects. "There's another possibility." Reyes glances at Mulder, and then back at Scully. "Anything," says Mulder. He doesn't want her to hurt anymore, or be afraid. It is Doggett who answers, not Reyes, surprising Mulder. His voice sounds especially harsh when he speaks. "Sometimes. . .couples, attempting to bring on labor, will, in order to stimulate labor--" Doggett stammers, and Mulder doesn't want to think about how he knows so much about this. "Will, um, use nipple stimulation to make that hormone," obviously Doggett doesn't want to try to pronounce it, "do its stuff." He stops, clearly embarrassed. "Sometimes it works," he finishes gruffly. "Whatever it takes," Mulder wonders what the problem is. He has no qualms about anything that would save Scully the pain of Reyes reaching up inside her to scoop out the placenta like the inside of an avocado. Reyes shakes her head, and then: "*I* can't do it, Mulder. I don't think it works like that." She looks pointedly at him, as if she is willing the little light bulb to go on in his head, then speaks again. "I like Dana, but I think it might be more effective if you do it." Scully speaks up from the bed. "It's produced as a emotional-sexual response to physiological stimuli, the same hormone that is released in female orgasm. Monica isn't my type," she ends dryly. "Oh," he says, "Oh!" A little shock goes through him as he realizes what she is asking him to do. He looks at Scully, and her eyes are so tired. She is still holding the baby, and she looks like she just wants this to be over so she can hold her and hold her, and not worry anymore. But--"It's all right. You don't have to, Mulder," Scully tells him. She is flushed, and he wonders if she feels like she has revealed too much. Reyes startles him when she speaks. "Perhaps Agent Doggett would be willing to help." Her tone is flat, not humorous at all, but Mulder suspects she is yanking his chain. "No," he growls. He is embarrassed, but he can't help the sharp anger that rises up in him. "That won't be necessary." He doesn't miss the smirk Reyes tries to hide, but he doesn't care. Doggett just looks amazed. He covers up with a smart remark. "Hey, what's a little nipple stimulation between friends," he quips. The truth is: he is hers, and she is his, and no one else can save her. Reyes leans over and takes the baby out of Scully's arms. She and Doggett step with her over to the door, keeping their backs to the two of them. Doggett goes outside again, but it is too cold for the baby, so Reyes stays just inside the door. There is nowhere else for her to go, but she tries to give them a modicum of privacy. She hums to the baby, her sense of pitch only slightly better than Scully's. Mulder is conscious of Reyes' imminent presence, but Scully has chosen him again, and he can't say no. He doesn't want to. He wants to be essential to her, and he wants Reyes, Doggett, and everyone else to know it. He sits down on the bed and looks at Scully's face for a moment. She can't quite look him in the eye. "Hey," he says, pushing a lock of hair out of her face. "It's going to be okay." She shakes her head. She's embarrassed, he realizes. He regrets his flippant comment a moment earlier. "It's just--I'm sorry about this." "Don't be sorry," he tells her, touching her cheek. "There's nothing to be sorry for." She tries to smile at him. "Don't you know I would do anything for you?" Then her eyes fill up with tears. "Yes, I do. I just hate to keep asking you--" He realizes how vulnerable she is right now. "It's no hardship," he tells her. He tilts her chin up so he can say it into her eyes. "None at all." "Okay." She nods. "Fingers or mouth?" he finally asks. She looks relieved. "Mouth, please," Then seemingly to justify her preference, she says, "fingers are too rough right now." "Okay," he says, and, with a gentle hand, he pushes aside the edges of her shirt, which she had pulled closed again after the baby had declined to nurse. He strokes his fingers along the placket of her blouse. He thinks how sometimes such small things can be so hugely significant. He leans forward, as time slows down, and inhales the sweaty, bloody, hot, adrenaline-tinged smell of her. She smells good. She smells real. Careful not to put any of his weight on her, he braces his left arm on the bed on the other side of her hip. He pushes her blouse farther apart with his nose, and opens his mouth slightly, trailing down the slope of her breast to find her nipple. She tastes salty. He opens his mouth wider and sucks the pink nipple in. He hears her inhale above him and is somehow relieved. Her nipple hardens on his tongue, like hard candy reversing the melting process. A fierce sense of possessiveness surprises him with its intensity. He remembers the night they conceived this child, the night he came back from England and a fruitless crop circle search. She had slid into bed with him after sleeping for a few hours and he had slid into her with as little fanfare. Then, in the morning, she'd slid as easily away. He remembers it with a dream's visceral accuracy, but he doesn't think he paid the proper attention to Scully's breasts that night. Now, it is hard to relax and enjoy the feel of her skin, the taste and texture of her, with her life riding on the outcome. He knows he has to relax though, and get her to relax, if he wants this to work. He focuses on the feel of her in his mouth and wills himself to forget the circumstances. His tongue slides against the underside of her aureola, cradling it in the heat of the flexible muscle, stroking along the bottom in a persistent slow motion. Pulling it farther into his mouth, he sucks hard and tight. The warmth of the bed sheets, and the loose shirt Scully is wearing, surrounds him. He feels her shake and then hears her stifle a sob, and pulls back slightly. "Hurt?" he asks, looking up. His bottom lip catches tenderly on the underside of her nipple. He keeps his voice low, though there is not a chance that Reyes can't hear them. It doesn't matter, he tells himself. She shakes her head, two tears dropping down onto his face. "No. It's not that kind of hurt." She smiles a weak smile down at him. Her lip is swollen from biting it for hours. Her embarrassment is gone, replaced with a softness, a limpid look he recognizes as devotion. He pauses, unsure that he can say anything that would properly answer that. "Ah," he says, returning to his work. He feels her hands in his hair, clutching his head. After a moment, he feels a spurt in his mouth, a strange sweet wetness, and pulls back, startled. Scully looks down again, and at the same time they see a tiny dribble of colostrum--the pre-milk milk--on her breast. "It's working, I think." She has a strange look on her face. "Tingles," she explains. She indicates her breast with a half gesture. "Feels like--when your foot starts to wake up--after having been asleep." Murder licks his lips, tasting the milk with curiosity. "Tastes sweet," is his final verdict. He switches to the other breast, his head diving back down to catch it in his mouth, like a darting bird. The breast milk leaking from her nipples makes her slick as a mango, and he can't resist the urge to cradle her breast in his right hand, balancing his weight on his left, the muscles in his arm tense and tight. Soon, he can feel her belly harden against his arm, and tension floods her body in response. "Uhhhh," she says, and he can feel it thrumming through his own body. Her body swells like a wave about to crest. "That's it," he murmurs against her. "You've got it, baby," he tells her and himself, whispering it into the soft skin of her breast. "It's going to be okay." For them both, he knows now. This is where he fits in. Suddenly useful again, he can finish what he started for her. He relaxes his mouth and lets his tongue swirl around her nipple, again and again. He feels the hitch in her breath. "Let it happen, Scully," he whispers to her. "Just keep breathing." "Uh-huuuhhh," she agrees, groaning again. When her contraction hits her, wrapping around her middle like a wide belt of muscle, she grips Mulder's hair with iron fists. He tries his best not to yell, and suckles harder to distract himself from the pain. He isn't sure how much time has passed as he sucks both fiercely and tenderly at Scully's nipples. At last, she gasps, "Gonna push now," tugging at his shoulders. He pulls back to watch her, satisfied that he has done his part, feeling something swell and contract inside of him as he commits his gaze to her. Her face, as she pushes, seems to have all the layers of civilization and sophistication peeled away, leaving only the kernel of unencumbered Scully. It looks like her face as she sets about solving a particularly knotty problem. It looks like her face under hypnosis. It looks like her face when she came, that one night. Reyes, hearing the noise of Scully's pushing, calls quickly to Doggett and hands off the baby to him. He takes her with a startled look, but a practiced air. He rocks her lightly in his arms, making comforting noises. Reyes takes her place at Scully's feet, between her knees, and Mulder lets Scully grip his hand hard, grinding his metacarpals together. He groans along with her, and together they sing a little duet of pain. Every muscle in her body is tight and concentrated, and she pushes as though she is lifting a Volkswagen off the body of her child. Minutes later, they are all grateful to see the afterbirth emerge, big as a dinner plate, ugly, rough, and liver-like. Reyes looks it over as though the secrets of the universe are in it. "It seems whole to me," she finally tells Scully. Mulder takes his daughter from Doggett's arms and hands her back to Scully. Still shaking with effort, Scully looks down at Roxanne in her arms, and then up at Mulder. "Seems whole to me too," she says. She isn't looking at the placenta. "Thank you," she says to Mulder. He looks back at both of them, as full and whole as he has ever been. "My pleasure," he replies. The End Feedback to: Unfolding Like a Flower: Ambress's X-Files Fanfiction -- Poetry is a way of taking life by the throat. --Robert Frost