Title: Letters Pray. Author: Forbes Summary: Sk/D. Next in the `Letter' stories. The story is a continuation of the `Letter' series, and starts on the Monday after `that' weekend. Nearly harmless Doggett torture. Humour. Angst and a little bit of smut. An accident, a revelation and the shit hits the fan. BTW, I'm an artist, not a medic, so all symptoms and other medical reactions are purely used as plot devises. Rating: N17 for bad language and slash relationship. Archive: Anyplace, but it'd be nice to know where, so I can come and look. Spoilers: No. I just play happily in my own little universe. Feedback: Oh, go on then. Spoil me. Thanks: This story wasn't going to happen until Georgia hinted that she wanted to know what happens when... Thanks for the beta, G. There's also a tiny bit contained within that was directly inspired by the wonderful manipulation `Snuggle', by Mrs. Fish - Thank you! Monday. Hoover Building. Lunchtime. Chapter 1. This was not a good idea, Doggett thought, hurrying down the corridor. Actually, it was not just a bad idea, it was a monumentally, fuckin' enormously bad idea. He strode quickly, tugging at the knot of his tie and shoving his left hand out to glance at his watch He scowled. Shit. Running late. How the goddamned hell had he let himself get talked into this? He must be out of his freakin' mind, lettin' his sister within a mile of the Hoover Building without a gag and restraints. Shit-shit-shit, he muttered under his breath. Agent Scully had looked at him like he was sprouting horns when he turned her down for lunch. Their normal routine consisted of lunch at the local deli if they were free, with Mulder tagging along if he was really unlucky. It was an annoyance he tolerated in deference to her obvious affection for the other man. He wasn't going to jeopardise anything because he found Mulder as annoying as a spider in a wet- suit. Hell, it had taken Scully so long to look at him without him wondering where she was planning to stab him with a knife, that he jumped at any chance to improve their working relationship. Sometimes what with their workload, they went weeks without lunching together, but he always accepted her invitations. Always, without fail. Until today. And here he was ditching her for an appointment that he had been incredibly vague about. Vague, evasive and downright embarrassed. Damn, he hated not telling her the truth, but he knew sure as God made little fishes, there was no way Scully would be able to resist asking to meet his sister. And as for Mulder getting his profiling eyes on her, with what she knew, it was enough to make him want to cry. Uh-uh. No way, Jose. The only crumb of consolation to be gleaned, was that Maddi wasn't with her. Thank God she'd had to catch her plane back to New York. Not that he didn't like the woman, hell, he liked her well enough to share a night of hot sex, but perversely, this was just too much. Having her stalk through his workplace in her shiny `fuck- me' pumps and wicked sense of humour was enough to send him into early retirement. Enforced early retirement, if she happened to mention the wrong thing to the wrong person. Like Kersh. Or Mulder... Hell, even Scully. Mind you, even his Sally knew enough to send Kersh into a disciplinary frenzy. He picked up the pace, the mere thought of Mulder in conversation with his sister, snapping at his heels. Gotta get her out of the building before Scully went to lunch. Soles squeaking on the polished surface, he skidded round the corner towards the busy main foyer. Around the corner and slap-bang into someone walking the opposite way. "Yow!" "Hell!" In a tangle of humiliatingly entangled arms and legs, two bodies did an off-balance dance for a second or two, before descending on the tiles of the Hoover building. Someones else's sprawled form helped break Doggett's fall, all except his left cheek, which smacked juicily onto the floor next to the other person's head. Grunting under the weight of a Doggett in full flight, the other agent might have considered himself the injured party, but as luck would have it, the knee that jutted upwards more than evened out the distribution of agony. Doggett and said knee introduced themselves. "Oh! Christ...." As his balls squashed up against his pelvis, the rest of the world ceased to exist for John Doggett. The focus of his entire universe lay crushed between his legs. The crowds, his sister and person beneath him, were all forgotten in the white noise of his agony. Guts tightened and knees drew up over the person trapped beneath him. What air that remained in his lungs hissed out between clenched teeth, misting up on the cold floor. "Hey!" Somewhere beneath him, a voice spoke. Doggett ignored it. He concentrated instead on cupping indignant balls, his eyes tightly shut, stalling tears. He couldn't breathe properly - his mouth hung open, but oxygen was stuck in his throat, unable to get past the scream wedged sideways in his mouth. He would not scream... He would not scream... The chant rattled around in Doggett's head, keeping the lone thought company that told him any minute now, he was going to scream like a girl. He held on gently, but very tightly to his balls, holding them together, trying to stop them from exploding all over the foyer. Not a happy thought, the contents of his scrotum scattered across the entrance to Hoover Building. "Hey, Doggett..." That voice again. Doggett continued to ignore it. He needed to concentrate on keeping his breakfast down and his hands very still. The body underneath his wriggled around, knocking his hands. He groaned thinly. "Hey... You okay?" the voice asked. Stupid fuckin' question. Maybe he should throw up all over this jerk, by way of an answer. He arched his back, relishing the flare of pain in his bruised face, the tiled floor blessedly cool under his hot cheek. "Doggett?" Shut up. Go away... Leave me be. Breath hitched in Doggett's chest, making him wonder if he was going to cry, after all. That'd just be the icing on the cake - lying flat out on the floor, with his balls mashed to hell and cryin' like a baby. Just perfect. The man was clutching his arms, trying to push him up, and holding a conversation with someone standing over them. Oh, this just got better and better. The ironic side of Doggett's humour revelled in the knowledge that a crowd appeared to be forming around the pair of them. This couldn't happen somewhere quiet - Oh no. Had to be the middle of the Hoover foyer, at peak visiting hour. Wasn't he the lucky one? "God! You're heavier than you look, Doggett." The irritating voice laughed in his ear. Smart-assed bastard, Doggett thought, sourly. Kick me in the balls then tell me I'm fat. Thanks a bunch. "Shut up, Mulder." A voice from way up high filtered through his pain- logged brain, and straight into his slowly shrivelling dignity. No. It couldn't be. God couldn't hate him that much. Surely not. "Hey, Scully, like to see you having him lying all over you like a San Francisco fog." The comment was followed by a gratingly familiar chuckle. So, it was official. God hated him. Chapter 2. Please... Let me die, Doggett begged inside his head. He groaned as Mulder wriggled his way out from underneath his body. The other man seemed to be taking an inordinate amount of time to get free, jiggling his body, touching far more than Doggett was happy with, but then again, any touching at all from Mulder was too much, as far as Doggett was concerned. If he had the strength, he'd really take exception to the way the other agent slipped his hand inside his jacket to push up against his chest. He really didn't think there was any need to linger quite so long. And what was that with running his hand down to his hip? That was totally fuckin' uncalled for... Or was he just being over-sensitive? Well fuck it, his demeanour may as well match his balls, which felt sensitive enough for the entire eastern seaboard. He moaned as Mulder moved from under him and his knees slid together, trapping his hands. "Be careful, Mulder. You're hurting him." Again, thought Doggett. "Am not!" "Well just take care," Scully scolded, her voice swimming into his ears as she got nearer. She must be kneeling down. Couldn't be easy, what with carrying that kid. "He crashed into me," Mulder protested. "Stop whining, Mulder." Yeah! Way to go, Agent Scully, Doggett cheered internally, still too shell-shocked to do anything more responsive than groan. "Agent Doggett?" Scully's voice floated nearer. "Can you hear me? Where are you injured?" Another stupid question. Not worth opening my eyes for that. "Maybe he gets off on the smell of floor polish." Maybe I'll get my breath back and punch your lights out, smartypants. Doggett rubbed his face on the floor. "You're not helping, Mulder." "Well? What d'you want me to do? Kiss him better?" Don't even think about it, pal. Doggett grimaced. "Mulder, take a look at his face. He's in pain. Have a little compassion." "Just offering my services." "Please don't feel you have to. Now move over. I need to look." Look at what? Doggett wondered. Then a small hand pulling at his hands let him know what she wanted to look at. Shit! That one opened his eyes. "That got his attention," Mulder sniggered. Scully sighed, and pulled gently at Doggett's wrist. "Agent Doggett? Can you hear me? I need you to let go." Not a chance, Doggett thought, his hands still firmly clamped over throbbing genitals. "Agent Doggett..." Her fingers pulled more firmly. No freakin' way, Agent Scully. Doggett turned his head to glare at her. "Woah!" Mulder pointed at his face and whistled through his teeth. Doggett watched a frown form between Scully's eyebrows, and to his relief, her hand let go of him and came up to cup his face. "John?" She touched her other hand to his brow, making him wince as she poked. "Look at me." She moved her finger from side to side. "Can you see this?" Swallowing, Doggett's tongue flicked out. He could answer her, it was just a matter of getting his words sorted out. He took an experimental deep breath to make sure he could. It didn't make him sick, so maybe he was gonna live a bit longer. "Yeah," he croaked. "I see it." "Good. Tell me how many fingers." Stupid questions, again. He'd got a knee in the balls, not brain- damage. "One." Scully nodded, satisfied. "Okay, then." She stroked the bump on the side of his face. The skin under her fingers hurt like a bitch and felt like soggy cabbage. She pursed her lips. "Probably bruise up beautifully, but I don't think it's too serious." Could have told you that, Doggett thought, wondering if it was okay for him to try and sit up yet, if she'd finished poking him. He watched as her gaze travelled down. Ah. She touched the back of his hand. "Think you could let go?" No. Hands gripped tightly, unintentionally pinching himself. He shook his head. "I'm fine, Agent Scully," he lied, blinking back the sudden sting of tears. "No, you're not," she told him sternly. "I am." Relentlessly stubborn in the face of balls that were screaming `Dixie' under his hands. She pulled a little harder, testing his grip. His grip was just peachy, he thought, trying not to wince. There was no way she was going to touch his balls, publicly or privately for that matter. And he'd be damned if she was going to do it in front of Fox Mulder. That was just so far out of the question as to be unthinkable. Besides, any investigation of damage to his manhood was going to be carried out very carefully, in the privacy of a bathroom stall, thank you very much. "Agent Doggett..." Scully began, patiently, as if talking to a small child. "I am a doctor." "Not mine," Doggett told her. "Don't be childish." Next to her, Mulder sniggered. Doggett glared at him. "Best let her have her way, Doggett." "No." Scully sighed. "John..." "I said no." Mulder shook his head. "She'll hurt you." "What? More than you did?" He couldn't resist that. "Ouch." "Yeah..." He glanced down towards his hands. "Ouch." "What's going on?" Doggett looked up as the owner of that familiar voice moved into view. Sally. Oh, again... Just perfect. "One of our agents has taken a bit of a tumble, Ma'am," Mulder announced, grinning. "No need for concern." Yes, there was fuckin' need for concern, Doggett thought. His balls fell like they were gonna pop. "Oh, John!" Sal dropped to her knees beside him, hand on his shoulder. Doggett sighed and closed his eyes, but not before catching sight of the exchange of glances between Scully and her pet freak. "What happened?" Doggett opened his mouth to reply, but Mulder beat him to it. "Seems Agent Doggett took a bit of a tumble and a blow to the, um..." He grinned. "Extremities." Sal frowned at him, distractedly. "The what?" Mulder laughed outright, making Doggett's teeth clench. "You know..." Mulder tipped his head to indicate below Doggett's belt, but Scully held up her hand to stop whatever outrageous comment Mulder had planned. She looked over and addressed Sally. "Excuse me. You know Agent Doggett?" "Yes." Sal gently squeezed the shoulder under her hand. "He's my brother." No mistaking the incredulous look between the other two, this time. And it pissed Doggett off. What did they think he was hatched, fully formed from an Easter egg? "I'm sorry," Scully said extending her hand across Doggett's body. "I didn't realise. Pleased to meet you. I'm Dana Scully, John's partner." Sally smiled and took the hand. "I'm Sal Doggett." She rolled her eyes, stating the obvious. "Hi there, Agent Scully. John's spoken about you." She glanced over to Mulder. He was staring. And that pissed Doggett off even more. "And you are?" Sal asked. "Fascinated," replied Mulder, tilting his head this way and that. "You don't look a bit alike." He grinned. "Apart from maybe the eyes." Sal smiled back at him. "Oh, I don't know..." Okay. Time out. Doggett cleared his throat. "Can I get a hand up, here?" He leaned forward. Scully's hand shot up and pinned him to the floor. "Not yet, Agent Doggett. I'm not convinced you're in any condition to move." "I'm fine," Doggett frowned, levering himself to a sitting position, straining against Scully's hand. He needed to get Sal out of here, he didn't like the way Mulder was looking at her. "If you're fine, Agent Doggett, then why are you still holding on to your testicles?" Doggett stared, then coloured up. Damn. He looked down. Busted. "What's wrong with them?" Sal asked. What indeed? Doggett glared at Mulder. "My fault, I'm afraid my knee kind of wandered between Agent Doggett's legs." "How `bout that," Sal said dryly, a grin turning up one side of her mouth, Mulder pointed in wonder. "Ah! Now I see it. You do look like him!" "Now that we've established my sister's provenance, d'you think I could get up now?" Doggett grumbled. This was just too much, sitting here like an idiot, holding his nuts. He forced himself to release them. Gingerly, one hand let go. He grimaced. Shit, they hurt. "I still think you need to be looked at, Agent Doggett." Scully raised her eyebrow as he peeled his other hand away from his crotch, forcing himself not to look for blood. Felt like they split open in his pants. "I'm..." he started to say. "Yes... `Fine', I know." Scully rolled her eyes. "Hopeless, isn't he?" Sal commented, reaching to slide her fingers through Doggett's hair. "Never admits when he's hurting." "It's a guy thing," said Mulder, watching the progress of Sal's fingers, a slight smile playing on his lips. "Tell me about it." Sal laughed. "I did this to him, once. Caught him right in the cajones." She winked at Scully. "He screamed like a banshee, then five minutes later, tried to tell Mama he was fine." "Really?" Scully sounded far too interested for Doggett's liking. Last thing he needed was her and his sister to `bond'. Sal clucked. "Found him behind the woodshed, puking his guts up." She did the annoying hair-ruffle thing. "Pa had to hold him down so Mama could look-see." Doggett groaned at the memory. "Jeez, Sal. I was twenty five years old. You got any idea how humiliating that was?" He shook his head. "Little sisters. They'll do it do you every time," Mulder nodded, sagely. Doggett glared with one eye. Correction: the last thing he needed was for him and Mulder to `bond'. He jerked his head away from Sal's fingers, biting back a groan as his vision greyed, a sigh trickled out from between his lips. "You people wanna let me get up, here? I feel kinda stupid, sitting on the floor." "You may have done some real damage, Agent Doggett," Scully said, laying her hand on his other shoulder. "You mean Muldah may have done some damage." Scully squeezed. "You know what I mean." "I'm fine." He looked from one woman to the other. "Just let me get up." "No," the two women chorused. "Outnumbered, my man," said Mulder, shaking his head. Doggett glared again, opening his mouth to bark something rude. Another voice interrupted. "Is there a problem?" Doggett glanced up, knowing what he was going to see on the other end of the shiny shoes beside Scully. Oh, man. Fate was really going for it today. "Hello, Assistant Director." Scully looked up. "I'm afraid Agent Doggett has been injured. But he refuses to seek medical help." Tattle-tale, Doggett thought, miserably. "Injured?" To give him his due, Skinner didn't let anything other than mild concern colour his words. He was good. "I kinda wacked him in the balls, sir," Mulder stood up. Skinner's eyebrow rose. "And you did this because..." Mulder shuffled. "An accident. He ran into me and we fell, and I just..." he trailed off, waving a hand down at Doggett. "You know." Skinner looked back down at the floor. One of those eyebrows started to wander up his forehead. "And are you incapacitated, Agent Doggett?" he asked. Doggett pulled an embarrassed face. "No, sir. I just seem to be having a little trouble persuading these ladies to let me get up." Glaring at each woman in turn, until they released him. He put a hand to the floor and began to lever himself up. He got about half way, before a groan slipped past his defences. A dark eyebrow quirked. "Can you manage, Agent Doggett?" "Yeah..." Doggett sucked in several calming breaths. Shit. He was not going to let the assembled crowd know it felt like he'd got two fuckin' great carving knives buried in his crotch. Uh-uh. Way too embarrassing. "You don't look well," Skinner commented. Biting back several sharp retorts that might have gotten him an official reprimand, Doggett shook his head and concentrated on getting all the way upright. "I'm fine," he snapped from behind tightly clenched teeth. "He keeps saying that," Sal tutted. "But I'm sure he's not." "So you're an expert on my body, now are you?" Doggett couldn't stop the snippy remark escaping. "No. Just on common sense. Something you seem to be sorely lacking." "Sorely is about right." Skinner bent his head a touch to peer into Doggett's face. "You look pale, Agent Doggett. I think you should..." "I am not lettin' Agent Scully fish around inside my pants!" he yelled, pulling himself upright with some difficulty. His guts seemed to be attached to his balls by red-hot wires. "I had no intention of `fishing'," Scully told him, holding her hands out to Mulder to help her up. "None whatsoever, Agent Doggett." He just grunted at her, unconsciously rubbing low on his belly with one hand. "What I was going to say, if you had let me finish..." Skinner gave him a look. "Was that you should go lie down. Get yourself sorted out." Doggett had the grace to look embarrassed. "Oh." "Oh, indeed." Skinner pulled his hands out of his overcoat and pointed to the elevators. "There's a couch in my office. Go." "I was on my break..." "You still are. Go lie down." "But I was gonna go out to lunch," Doggett wondered if it sounded like he was whining. "And now you're not." Skinner sighed and folded his arms. "Agent Doggett. It really is quite simple. You either submit to a medical examination, or you go and lie down until you look less like you're going to vomit all over the floor at any moment." Mulder made a little noise, and out of the corner of his eye, Doggett saw Scully nudge him. "Do I make myself perfectly clear?" Doggett wondered what the odds were on him making a break for the door, and guessed, with miserable certainty, that he'd get about three feet in his present condition. Shit. He sighed. "Dammit. I'm..." Sal threw up her hands. "John! For goodness sake! Be told, will you?" All heads turned to look at her. Scully held out an introductory hand in the silence that followed. "Assistant Director Skinner - this is Agent Doggett's sister." Sal grinned, and for a horrible moment, Doggett envisioned her stepping forward and embracing Skinner, in a dance-floor re-run from Saturday night. He held his breath. Please no.. Behave, Sal.. Her hand extended gracefully towards Skinner. "Pleased to meet you. I'm Sarah Doggett." She grinned wider as Skinner took her hand in his. "But you can call me Sal." "Walter Skinner, Ma'am," Skinner rumbled in his deep voice, his face perfectly composed. No indication of anything other than polite interest. Certainly not the fact that he'd had his tongue in her mouth two nights ago. Shit, he was good, thought Doggett. "Are you John's boss?" Sal asked, innocence personified. Skinner inclined his head. "I suppose you could say that." "Well then make it an order. You can do that, can't you? Make him do whatever you want. Be the boss?" She had big wide eyes, a slight smile on her face, and Doggett felt his belly clench in a way that had nothing to do with his aching balls. Oh shit, but she was sailing close, he thought, uncomfortably. But Skinner just nodded. "Yes, yes I can, Miss Doggett. But I would rather let my Agents make their own decisions regarding their actions." He glanced across. "And I have every confidence Agent Doggett will make the right choice." Doggett sighed again. Goddamn. He'd better say something before they started talking about some other horrendous choice, like `lifestyles'. "Okay...okay. I'll do it." Mulder leaned forward, eyes wide. "You gonna let Scully go fishing?" "No, Muldah." He glared at the grinning man. " I meant I'll go and lie down." "Oh." Mulder turned to Scully. "Disappointed, Scul?" She gave him a filthy look. "Shut up Mulder." "I shall be happy to escort your sister to my office, Agent." Skinner stepped back. "If you'd like to step this way, Miss Doggett." Sal smiled demurely. "Why thank you, Assistant Director." She smiled. "But may I call you..." Oh God, Doggett thought, he was gonna kill her. She batted her eyes up at Skinner, seemingly oblivious to the looks Mulder and Scully were giving each other. "Walter, isn't it?" Skinner held out his arm. "It is. Shall we?" Then arm in arm, he and Sal moved to the elevator, leaving a hunched Doggett and two incredulous agents staring after them. This was just peachy, Doggett thought, stepping gingerly forward, keeping his legs as far apart as he comfortably could. He duck-walked to the open car, trying not to let his hands wander down to hold on to himself. Just freakin' peachy. chapter 3. He had to admit, the couch was an inspired idea. It was long enough to stretch out, and comfortable enough to almost let him forget about the pounding throb in his underpants. Shifting a little, Doggett sighed. Not only were his balls still humming, but the bruise on his face had decided to make an appearance. It was beating in time to his pulse, in a crazy counterpoint to his groin. The Advil Skinner had handed out was taking a bitch of a long time to kick in. He grimaced. Don't think about kicking. "How're you feeling, Johnny?" Sal knelt by the couch. She smiled down at him. He grunted. "Sore." Leaning in to place a little kiss on his forehead, she smiled. "There, now that didn't hurt, did it?" "What?" "Admitting you're not invincible." He widened his eyes. "I'm not?" "Silly." She slapped his shoulder lightly. "The pain meds helping?" He shook his head. "Uh-uh. Not yet." "Poor baby." "Don't mock the afflicted." He craned his head up. "And where's Walt gone?" "I dunno. Talking to his assistant, I think. I'll go see." She stood up and wandered across the office. Doggett smiled to himself. Maybe getting a wack in the balls wasn't such a tragedy, after all. At least he got to spend his lunchbreak with Walt. Certainly beat wrestling with the crowds in town. He could always take Sal to the cafeteria later. Not very fancy, but that couldn't be helped. A sudden stab of pain reminded him that lunch was no great trade for a pair of sore balls and a black eye. Maybe he should have a quick check. He slid his hand under his belt, tentatively working his way down. He didn't really think there was anything seriously wrong, but it was just one of those guy- things that made him want to make sure just the same. Under the hem of his boxers, and down. Shit, his hands were cold. Frowning, he spread his legs to cup the battered balls. Gently... gently... he told himself. Just a little feel... "Need any help?" Jumping guiltily, he squeezed too hard and winced. "Shit!" "Told you, you should have let Scully do that." "Muldah! What the hell are you doing here?" Screwing up his face, he tried to pull his hand out, but got it stuck. "Making sure you're okay." Mulder nodded, grinning. "Are you?" "I think so," Doggett told him, ungraciously, trying to get his hand out before he went any redder. "Guilty conscience, Agent Mulder?" "About catching you feeling yourself up?" Doggett growled. "About kneeing me in the nuts." Mulder shook his head, happily, "Nah. Was your fault, for not looking where..." "What?!" Mulder shrugged. "You were the one rushing." Unable to think of anything suitably cutting, Doggett had to make do with glaring. Which from his current position, supine and with his hand down his pants, wasn't gonna work, but he went with it anyway. The other man just grinned at him. "So. They both still there?" "Why you askin'?" Doggett grouched, lying in an uncomfortable mixture of guilt and irritation. "Wanna give me a second opinion?" Mulder tilted his head. "So, what d'you reckon, Scully? Think he needs a second opinion?" Doggett snapped his head round as Scully stepped up to the couch. "Yes." She arched an eyebrow at his scrabbling hand, then looked up at the scarlet face. "But I don't think he is going to allow it." She smiled, compounding Doggett's mortification. "Are you, Agent Doggett?" "I..." He jerked his hand out, bringing his shirt tail with him. He bent to pluck at the material, hating the blush that he knew was all over his face. "No." "Thought not." She glanced at Mulder. "That's why I requested that AD Skinner..." "WHAT!?" Doggett stared up, wild-eyed. "Hey, Doggett, calm yourself." Mulder waggled his eyebrows in that tormenting fashion of his. "Mulder..." Scully rolled her eyes. She couldn't mean... "What the hell are you suggesting?" "I thought you might be more comfortable with..." "NO!" He was aware that his reaction totally outweighed the seriousness of the situation, but he seemed incapable of stopping himself from sounding like a hysterical girl. It didn't help a bit that any second now, his eyeballs were going to drop out of his head, pushed out by his throbbing brain. "Agent Doggett..." Scully folded her arms. "What part of `no', don't you understand, woman?" He watched her eyebrow crawl up in the heavy silence that plopped between them. Shit. "Oh, man. You did it now." Mulder shook his head. "Perhaps you would prefer Agent Mulder to..." "God dammit to HELL!" "Please mind your language in my office, Agent Doggett." Skinner moved to stand at Scully's shoulder. Shit! "But she was...." "I know what she was suggesting, Agent. And I think it a wise precaution." "WHAT!!" He wasn't serious? Surely he wasn't serious. No way. He wouldn't... For cryin' out loud, he was the one always harping on about office restraint and maintaining their distance at work! How the hell was he supposed to maintain distance with his nose inches from his balls? "I think that someone needs to..." Mulder would have a field-day... He could never look the other agent in the face, knowing that he knew that Skinner had inspected... Never mind that the other man was more than familiar with his equipment, it made him queasy to think that everyone would know what Skinner had done. An image of frogs on lab tables danced in his head. Spread out... Exposed... The gossip raging through the building. Doggett leaped up off the sofa, not caring that his shirt was untucked, mindless of his socked feet, not even feeling the pain and wave of sickness from standing too quickly. "No thank you, very much. I'm fine. I'll just be going now." He started to move to the door. "Agent Doggett," Skinner frowned at him. "What on earth has gotten into you?" You mean besides you, sir? Doggett thought hysterically, hoping he didn't say that out loud. "Thank you for the offer..." He nodded at Scully. "And the suggestion. But I think I'll pass, if it's all the same to you." Would he ever! "But aren't you hungry?" Doggett looked blankly. "What?" Every pair of eyes in the room stared at him. He shuffled, suddenly uncomfortable. "We were referring to ordering in lunch." A familiar eyebrow rose. "What did you think we were talking about, Agent Doggett?" Shit. Shit-shit-shit. "Er..." Doggett fingered the bottom of his shirt tail as the picture cleared. "Um..." "Maybe that bang on the head was harder than we thought." Scully moved to stand in front of him, brandishing a tiny penlight. Where the hell did she keep that, he wondered? "Let me see your eyes, Agent Doggett." He looked meekly at her as she flashed one pupil, then the other. He kept his eyes straight ahead, not trusting himself to look at either Mulder or Skinner. "Seems equal and reactive." She put the back of her hand to his forehead. "Do you have a headache?" Yes, he thought. A great big stomping, fuckin' headache. He lied. "No." No sense inviting trouble. "He wouldn't tell you if his head was cut off," Sal said, squeezing between Scully and Skinner. "Would you, John?" Doggett shrugged, helplessly. He moved back to the sofa and sat down, very gently. Best to keep quiet. They might go away. "I asked Kim to place an order with Gino's. Is that okay?" Doggett looked up at him. He nodded. Anything. Cafeteria sandwiches. Dog food. Humble pie. Anything was fine with him. Sal smiled. "Perhaps Agents Mulder and Scully would like to join us?" Doggett looked at her. No, he tried to tell her. Not a good idea. "Sounds great!" Mulder clapped his hands together. "What d'you say, Scul?" "If it's okay with the Assistant Director." "Not a problem, Agent Scully." Doggett watched as Sal moved away to take Scully's arm and guide her to the table. And amazingly, Scully allowed it. He was sure she'd shoot him if he tried that. "You need to take the weight off, Dana." Dana?? When had it become Dana? "Sit here with me. We can swap stories about John while we wait for the food." The hairs on the back of Doggett's neck stood up. "I don't know if I have any stories you might be interested in," Scully smiled, allowing herself to be seated at the conference table. "That's okay," Sal told her, sitting in the next chair and winking at Doggett. "I have a million of them." "Really?" Mulder moved to sit the other side of her. "Sure." Sal laughed. "Bet you can't guess what his nickname was!" On the sofa, Doggett put his head in his hands, wincing at the bruise on his face, and sighed. It was gonna be a long fuckin' lunchbreak. chapter 4. As it turned out, it wasn't that bad. There had been a nasty moment when he thought he might pass out, moving too quickly from the sofa to the table, but by holding on to the back of the chair and breathing deeply, he managed okay. He would not faint. Men did not faint. Marines did not faint, he told himself, while his head warned him that any more sudden movements and he was going to pass out whether he like it or not. He had sat very still throughout the meal, acutely aware of the hard chair seat, and the fact that he'd left his appetite on the foyer floor. It was an unaccustomed struggle, but he managed to force down enough food to keep anyone from enquiring after his health. Thankfully, Sal kept the humiliation to a minimum. Which was a minor miracle. He would have to remember to thank her, later. Buy her flowers, or something. It could have been so much worse. The story about the little thing with the feminine articles and his football injury could have been omitted, but it made Mulder choke on his french bread, so that was good. Even Scully laughed out loud when she heard how Doggett had let Sal shave his legs the summer she turned 15. So maybe a little humiliation was okay. At least she'd kept it reasonably clean. What she didn't do, however, was keep from flirting with Skinner. Okay, so he knew how she felt about his boss, but it was a whole different ball of wax to watch her in action, after what had happened that weekend. Was she doing it to be outrageous? To embarrass Walt, which was failing miserably, he noted. Or was it to deflect from the reality of the situation between the two men? That was a pretty cool move, if it was. He watched Mulder watching her with rapt concentration, bright hazel eyes, darting back and forth between her and Skinner, taking everything in. Filing it all away inside that profiler's steel-trap mind of his. Doggett wondered what he was making of it all. How did Skinner's reactions weigh up in that sorting box that was Fox Mulder's head? He wouldn't have said Skinner was flirting back, but he was relaxed, sociable and smiling, a sight he noted with interest, kept drawing Mulder's eyes. He hid the last of his sandwich under his salad. Maybe that little talk with Walt about Agent Mulder's inclinations was way overdue. "And you didn't get a spanking?" Scully asked, shaking her head, smiling. "My father would have popped a hip if he'd caught me doing that." Sal leaned towards Doggett and pulled down on his ear. "Johnny took the rap for me." She kissed his unbruised cheek and let go of his lobe. "Told Papa it was his lighter." "You smoke?" Scully asked him, laughing. "I gave up." Doggett rubbed his ear, mildly embarrassed. "`Bout the time my father kicked my ass for burning down the back shed." He gave Sal a rueful look. "You still owe me big time for that." She laughed. "I'll think of something." "Better be somethin' good. The old man has a hell of a left foot." Mulder leaned forward. "You mean he really did kick your..." he waved vaguely. Doggett nodded, pulling a face at the memory. "Ran across the backyard `specially." He sighed. "Should've took off when I saw him comin' for me." Mulder looked nonplussed. "But you would've been a grown man by then." Doggett smiled. "He's still my Pa. Age has no bearing on ass-kicking." "Your dad must be quite a character," Skinner said, wiping his mouth on a napkin. "He's okay," Sal said. "You just have to know how to handle him." Doggett snorted. "Daddy's girl." "Am not!" "Oh, please. You have him twisted round your little finger!" "And you're not a Mamma's boy?" Doggett willed a blush to stay down. "I don't think so." "Hah! Yeah, right. Momma's Golden Boy." "Kiss my ass, Daddy's Little Princess." "Wanna bite me, Dog Boy?" "Do you two always do this?" Skinner asked, looking from one to the other. Doggett looked at him, then at Sal. They shrugged at each other. "Do what?" Skinner waved his crunched up napkin. "This... Arguing, whatever. Fighting." Sal looked blank. "We're not fighting." Skinner's eyes widened behind his glasses. "You're not?" "Nope." She looked at Doggett. "Are we?" He shook his head and smiled. He pointed knowingly at Skinner. "Only child." Sal nodded in agreement. "Yeah." "That has nothing to do with it." "It means you have no point of reference, AD Skinner." "Reference for what?" "Normal sibling interaction." "And I suppose you do?" Doggett waved a hand at Sal. "Behold." Skinner snorted and threw the napkin down. "Good grief! It's not as if the two of you even grew up together." Doggett could have sworn he heard the sound of the napkin rolling across the plate. Oops. He looked at the other man, who suddenly realised what he's just said and swallowed. "I mean..." He looked from one Doggett to the other. "There must be quite an age gap..." He trailed off, obviously floundering. Sal reached over and patted his hand. "Walter. How sweet of you. I know I look very young, but really... You flatterer." Scully laughed, and broke the awkward moment. "Assistant Director, are you flirting with the visitors?" Doggett was delighted to watch a slow blush spread over Skinner's face. About time, he thought. At last he gets to see the older man squirm. "I...er..." Skinner pulled his hand from under Sal's, took his glasses off and began to polish them on his tie. Bingo! Time to play. "Cause if you are sir, I might have something to say about it," he laughed, thinking along the lines of protective big brother. And then he re-thought what he'd just said, and found himself heating up. Shit. Big brother his butt. Jealous lover, more like. Skinner stared at him, catching the double entendre. "No, I think he's just saying Agent Doggett looks `old'." Mulder snorted with laughter. Doggett could have kissed him for missing the slip. "Thank you, Agent Muldah. But I don't think there's that much between you and I, is there?" Mulder muttered. "Yeah well, some of us wear it better than others." Shoving his glasses back on his face, Skinner cleared his throat. "I think that maybe we ought to make a move to get back to work, people." Scully pushed the plates towards Mulder. "Your turn to clean up, Mulder." "Why me?" Mulder bleated. "I'm pregnant. Sal is a guest, and John is hurt. That's why." "What about Skinner?" Mulder pouted, relentless. Skinner stood and leaned over. "The Assistant Director outranks you. That's why." Mulder frowned, but began to clear away the mess. Skinner turned away and winked at Doggett. Biting on his cheek, Doggett looked down, trying not to laugh. Bastard. He felt, rather than saw, Skinner moving closer to him. The shiny brogues appeared at the edge of his vision. He tried not to think of the big feet that lay inside them. "How are you feeling, John?" Skinner asked. He hasn't called me that in front of the others before, thought Doggett. He looked up. Over the large chest and into big brown eyes. Oh shit. Too close. He was standing too close. He cleared his dry throat. "Oh, okay, I guess." Skinner leaned down a touch and Doggett could smell his cologne. It was the one he'd bought when Skinner'd mentioned he was running low. He'd not been close enough to smell him wearing it at work before now. It was a scent he associated with lying in bed, licking along a shaven jawline, not sitting in an office at the FBI. "Honestly?" Skinner pressed. Shrugging, Doggett let his eyes slide down the silk tie in front of him, as a portion of his mind played a movie in his head. A movie where he was pulling that same tie undone, and using it to tie a large wrist to the headboard. "A bit sore, but okay." He shifted a bit in his chair. Holy God! Now was not the time to get a woody. The movie ran on. In his head, Skinner was spreadeagled on his bed, naked, sweating and erect... Doggett swallowed. Oh, please God, don't let him think of erections! "You look flushed." Skinner was peering down, his tie dangling loosely. Doggett wanted to reach out, grab it and ram his tongue between those lips. "I'm not convinced you're 100 percent, Agent Doggett." Doggett's eyes slid off the body in front of him and a tremble ran through his own. Oh God... "I'm fine," he lied for the second time that day, but for a different reason. Please move away, Walt, he thought. I can't stand this. His head was hurting. A big hand came out of nowhere and landed on his shoulder. It's heat burned through Doggett's thin shirt, and blazed a hot trail all the way down to his groin. "I don't think you..." Skinner started to say, but Doggett's resolve had fled. And he had to follow it, or things were going to get out of hand. He stood quickly, knocking the hand aside, making Skinner step back in surprise. Too quickly, it seemed. There was a sudden flare of pain in his groin, and a rush of blood to his bruised head. It made the room sway sickeningly. "Shit..." he muttered, reaching to keep his eyeballs from falling out of their sockets. Everything had gone a funny grey colour, a shade that brought his lunch creeping up his gut. Perhaps if he shut his eyes a second, he'd feel better. "Hey!" Skinner's hands were suddenly on him. Holding him to a large, warm chest that smelled wonderfully of cedar and spice. "Scully!" A deep voice full of panic, thought Doggett, as his head disappeared into a fuzzy grey bag. I know that voice. Wonder what's up with Walt, he thought as the bag slipped all the way over his head. chapter 5. Couldn't be time to get up. The light was all wrong. The sun didn't shine through his drapes in stripes. Doggett sighed. Must be at Walt's apartment. Yeah. That was it. He turned his head and rubbed his cheek into the soft pillow. He was at Walt's. That's why he could smell him. He'd thought it funny that despite spending most of his time in Doggett's bed, there was always more of Skinner's scent between the sheets in Crystal City. He must remember to ask Walt what the bed in Falls Church smelled like to him. "John?" Doggett smiled. Walt. No-one else had a voice that could give him a hard-on. Must be time to get up. He was bone-tired. Just a bit longer. He grunted and burrowed deeper into the pillow. "John." He turned his head away from the hand patting at his face. All things considered, he preferred a kiss for a wake-up call. Five more minutes... There was a buzzing noise that sounded like the radio. Yep. Walt's bed. He always set the radio alarm to some crappy talk-show, despite Doggett always waking up before it went off. Except today. He must have been tired. "Five minutes," he muttered, resolutely keeping his eyes shut. "I'll get up in five." "Agent Doggett." Doggett grinned. Skinner always called him that when he teased him in bed. "Yeah?" he said, wondering if Walt was angling for a spot of morning sex. "Agent Doggett, open your eyes." The grin crept up his face a bit more. Oh yeah, definitely morning sex. Next thing would be `I have something to show you' and Walt's raging boner would be waving in front of his face. "You want sumthin' Walt?" He'd make him beg this morning. Maybe on his knees. That was always good. Silence. Playing hard to get? Okay. Fair enough. "Agent Doggett." Doggett reached out, flapped about a bit and snagged a hand. He brought the hand to his mouth and kissed it. "Beg," he said. Silence. Frowning, Doggett put one of the fingers into his mouth and bit down gently. More silence. And then the hand was snatched away. There was playing hard to get and there was bein' plain dumb. "Walt?" Any second now he'd get his eyes to open. The silence was really buggin' him now. Screwing up his eyes, he pulled various faces before getting the muscles to do what he wanted. Walt's face swam into blurry focus above him. "Huh?" That was funny. He was dressed already. Couldn't have mornin' sex in your clothes, now could you? Maybe he was... Doggett frowned as his hand patted down his own body. Felt like he was dressed too. What the hell? He squinted and looked over Walt's shoulder. And who the fuck was that? Mulder? Doggett shook his head. What was he doing in Walt's bedroom? "Wass Muldah doin' here?" he slurred, his voice echoing through his aching head. Did they tie one on last night? He couldn't remember. "I work here," Mulder's voice replied, his mouth seeming to operate in advance of the words. Doggett grimaced. "You work in Walt's apartment?" Silence. "Strangely enough, no." Well, this was just nuts. Doggett huffed out a breath. Must be a dream. "m'I dreamin'?" "Sounds like it." "Then go away, Muldah. You don't get to be in my dreams." "That's a relief," Mulder's voice told him. A fuckin'smartass even in his sleep. Doggett laughed. And the only way you're gonna get Walt is in yours, he chuckled to himself. The sound seemed to echo around inside his head. Not in a good way. "JOHNNY! WAKE UP!!" Shit! Jesus Christ! Doggett's head shot round to the sound of his sister's shout. "WHAT!?" he yelled back, startled. Sal was leaning over him, shaking his shoulders hard. He blinked, getting her in focus There were several Sal's floating around. "Sal..." Clear the throat. "What the hell?" This was just freaky. What was Sal doin' in Walt's bedroom? Surely she hadn't finally talked Walt into... A memory jolted him. Him and Walt. In bed. With a woman. No. He didn't... God, tell me he didn't... Doggett screwed his eyes up and shook his head violently. Shit, that hurt! But it brought the floating images all into sync. He stared at Sal. She was fully dressed. Thank you, God. Doggett sighed and brought a hand up to rub his eyes. Maddi. It had been Maddi, not Sal. "Not you... It was Maddi," he told her. "Never guess what I just thought." He laughed in relief. "Agent Doggett? Can you hear me? Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Scully as well? He turned his head and stared into a little light. Not that damned thing again. She'd flashed that in his eyes just a while ago, in Walt's office. No need to do it now.... The thought trailed off miserably, dragging the image of Walt's bedroom with it, leaving a open door in Doggett's mind as it left. And through that door poked an image. One of an office. A lunchtime and a pair of sore balls. Balls that now wanted nothing more than to crawl up inside his body and hide. For the second time that morning, Doggett put his head in his hands and groaned. Oh fuck. Horrible. This was just horrible. What had he said? He tried to think, but his brain was sulking. Cowering behind Skinner's sofa, more like. "Agent Doggett?" Scully. The woman was fuckin' relentless. Like a stumpy ginger terrier. He smiled behind his hands. Someone took his wrists and pulled. He didn't have the strength to resist, they fell down to his chest. "Look at me, John." Damn flashlight. "Hurts my eyes," he told her. `Bout time someone told her that thing was a fuckin' pain. "I'm sorry. I know. Look this way." No way. He closed his eyes. "John. Open up." He shook his head, working on the principle, if he couldn't see her, then she couldn't see him. "John Jay Doggett, do as you're fucking well told!!" Obediently, his eyes shot open. "Whaddid you say to me?" he asked his sister, incredulous. "You heard." He opened his mouth to tell her exactly what he thought of what he'd heard. A small hand yanked his chin round, and he was staring at that light again. He groaned. "I'm not happy with this. I want him to see a doctor." "Thought you were a doctor," he snipped. Scully's hand tightened on his chin. "In the hospital," she said. "I agree. Mulder, ask Kim to call the front desk. Get an ambulance here." Skinner. Above him. Doggett pulled his chin up to look. Upside down Walter. He narrowed his eyes then they widened. He was lying in Skinner's lap. This was not good. Well, actually, it was good. But maybe not in front of Sal, Mulder, Scully and a large portrait of George W. Bush. Damn. "No hospital." "Yes, hospital," Scully told him, clicking the light off. He scrubbed at his eyes. He hated hospitals. "I'm fine." A hollow laugh rattled out above him, and he craned up to look at Skinner. "I don't think `fine' is quite the word, Agent Doggett." Was he mad at him? Doggett couldn't tell from this angle. He tried to bend his neck round to see better. "Lie still," Skinner ordered. "Can't see you properly." Skinner grunted. "You can see me well enough like that." "You think he's concussed?" Sal asked. "I hope so," Mulder answered. "Otherwise..." He didn't say anything else, and nobody bothered to ask him what he had intended to say. Somewhere, a phone rang. Perhaps if he shut his eyes, Doggett could feign sleep and nobody would bother him. Ignoring the flurry of activity out of his line of sight, Doggett let his eyelids slither down. Okay, that was better. Voices rattled around him, he happily ignored them all. It was warm and dark where he was. Dark and safe. "Agent Doggett!" Scully with her little hands on his chin again. Shaking him back and forth like a terrier with a rat. "Stoppit," he told her, lifting his hand to take her wrist. "Then open your eyes, for me." "No. Light hurts." More shaking. "John. Do as Scully tells you." Skinner. Doggett opened his eyes. Smiling, he let go of Scully's hand and reached up. "Walt," he said, grinning crazily, trying to pat his cheek. He missed. "Woah!" Hands were suddenly all over him, grabbing and lifting. "What the f..." He was placed on a cold hard something, and pinned down. This was not pleasant. "No!" he struggled. He hated being tied down. "John, it's just the paramedics, don't fight them." Uh-uh. No good. Panic scratched at the edges of Doggett's mind. He tried to heave himself up. Straps held him tight. "No!" He screwed up his face and heaved with all his strength. He couldn't stand this! "John!" Sal was calling to him. He couldn't get to her. He struggled against the straps. What was wrong? Who had hid tied? He felt a hand lay in the middle of his chest. "John. Relax." Skinner? Doggett frowned. "Walt?" he asked, opening his eyes a crack. "It's okay. Take it easy." Doggett let himself relax. Damn, but his head hurt. He ran his tongue over his lips. Dry. "Drink?" he asked. "Maybe later," Scully told him. "Let's go." A sudden swoop of vertigo that threatened to produce his lunch and he was flying, past ceiling tiles, light fittings and elevator buttons. If he could just get his eyesight sorted out, he might quite enjoy this. If he could get hold of Walt's hand he could at least feel safe. But he couldn't see him. "Walt?" His face appeared above him, blocking out the ceiling. "I"m here." That was okay then. Doggett gave a little smile. Lights out.