Title: The Letter D, for Doggett. Author: Forbes Feedback: That'd be very nice, thank you... sjforbesc@hotmail.com Catagory: John Doggett/ Walter Skinner : Humour/Angst/Slash. Strange mixture, but there y'go. Completed work. Spoilers: No, I don't think so. This is so far in an AU that it's almost out the other side. Rating: Oh, please. Like it's going to be anything other than N17... m/m warning, and all that jazz. Summary/Pairing: Um... Let me see. Standalone story. Doggett undercover, juicy situation, extreme possibilities and All the product of a very twisted imagination. I wanted to read something like this, and couldn't find exactly what I wanted, so I had to write it myself. No great hardship! Archive: Just about anywhere that wants to give this a home. Please leave all this bit, though, and let me know where it ends up. Disclaimer: Yeah, like you could see Chris Carter allowing this outrage. Episodes like these only happen in my mind., very late at night, ever since Georgia dragged me over to the Dark Side. Blame her... Part 1/16 Friday Morning. The Basement. 8.34 a.m. "Mornin', Agent Scully." John Doggett slipped his shoulders out of his coat and strode across the room. "Good morning to you, Agent Doggett," came the pleasant reply. Doggett glanced across. She was in a good mood today, by the sound of it. He tossed his coat on the hook and straightened his tie. Pregnant woman mood-swings aside, Scully seemed to finally, finally thawing towards him. Not a moment too soon, by his reckoning. "You're cheerful, this a.m." he told her, perching on the edge of her desk. "This a Thank God it's Friday' thing?" Scully looked up from her file, a ghost of a smile playing across her mouth. "Not entirely," she told him, enigmatically. Resting his hand on his thigh, Doggett leaned towards her, his lop-sided grin playing over his face. "Do tell, Agent Scully." Mulder wandered through the basement door, flipping a sunflower seed breakfast into his mouth. He nodded hello at Doggett. "Let me guess. You got the prize in your cereal box?" Her eyebrow slid up. " I always get the prize, Agent Mulder." He laughed. "I bet you do, Agent Scully." "Mornin', Agent Muldah." Doggett nodded to Mulder, moving across the room, giving the contents of the other man's hand a funny look. He made no comment. Mulder's eating habits fell into the same category as the pencil-flipping penchant the other agent had. A don't ask, you don't want to know, sort of thing. "So what gives, Scully?" Mulder wandered around the little office. "Kersh finally disappeared up his own ass?" Doggett snorted. "I'd pay money to see that." Scully covered a smile with her hand. "Agent Doggett," she said in mock disapproval. His hands came up. "Hey. Just expressin' an opinion." She smiled at him, a proper, teeth-baring one this time, surprising him, but pleasing him, none the less. "Dangerous thing, that, Agent Doggett. Expressing an opinion." Mulder leaned against the filing cabinet. He spoke whilst flipping, never missing a seed. He peered over Scully's shoulder at the open file on her desk. "I'll take my chances," Doggett replied. A bark of laughter bit into the air. A wet kernel fell out of Mulder's open mouth onto the desk. Ignoring his damp gift, Mulder reached over and pointed at something on the page, nudging Scully, chuckling. Scully flicked the seed away with a grimace. "Mulder..." she complained, moving the file away. "What's so funny?" Doggett stuck both hands in his pants pockets and leaned against his desk. He was trying to squash that nasty little feeling that came up every now and then, that whispered he was being held out of the loop in his own office. He was trying. Scully was trying. And lord knows, he thought, Mulder was trying. Mulder grinned at him. "Not my place to tell, Agent Doggett." Doggett frowned at him, biting down hard on that unpleasant feeling. Scully tapped the file in front of her. "It seems we have a new assignment, partner." Doggett looked at her, grateful out of all proportion for that one little word. Two syllables that dragged him back into the room and out of no-mans' land. Thank you, Agent Scully, he told her silently. Nodding, he reached for the folder on her desk. "Okay. I'll bite. This makes you happy?" "Well, it came down without a summons to the inner sanctum for a briefing." She tilted her head, pulling the folder away from him. "And that has to be a good thing." Frowning slightly as the folder slipped out of reach, Doggett wondered what was going on. "I hear ya. So it's celebration all round, then." "You might not think so," Mulder grinned at him. Doggett raised his own eyebrow. "I might not?" "Uh-uh." Scully made a clicking noise in her throat. "I'm afraid not, Agent Doggett." He stared at his partner. If he didn't know better, he'd have sworn Scully's eyes were twinkling. Scully was teasing him? Surely not? "What gives, Agent Scully?" That smile appeared on Scully's face again. I could get used to seeing that, Doggett thought. "Bottom line." She laughed softly, as if at some private joke. "An undercover case." Mulder gave that irritating bark of laughter that earned him a stare from both of them. Doggett held the glare a little longer. "Bottom line, Agent Doggett." Pointedly ignoring him, Doggett tilted his head. "Yeah?" "Downtown. Possible emergence of a serial killer." "Possible? You mean they're not sure?" Doggett snorted. "Three makes a pattern, but not a serial, apparently." Scully brushed a stray hair behind her ear. "Anyway. Bottom line..." Another smile. Despite his pleasure at seeing her smile in his presence, this enigmatic shit was starting to piss Doggett off. "Agents instructed to go undercover to gather information and set up possible sting scenario with perp." Doggett scratched his nose, levering himself off the desk-edge. "Excuse me... But I thought this was the X-Files. Not Violent Crimes." Scully nodded. "Perp apparently displays unusual characteristics in the execution of the crime." Doggett just stared. "Go on." "He," Scully cleared her throat. "Or she..." "Statistically, we're talking white male, 25 to 40. Single, socially inept, but reasonably successful in his chosen career." Mulder told her, interrupting her flow without apology. "Thank you, Agent Muldah," Doggett told him with a glare. "Your input is appreciated, but I'd appreciate you lettin' Agent Scully finish speaking, first." Screw equality and all that shit, he hated rude behaviour from anyone. Mulder grinned and held up his hands in apology. "Thank you, Agent Doggett," Scully said, flashing Mulder a look. Something inside Doggett leaped up and punched the air. One- nothing to the Big Dawg. "As I was saying. Unusual characteristics." She cleared her throat again. "In the act of sex, the killer strips the victims, strangles them and then..." She paused to swallow. "Then consumes part of the body." Mulder flipped more seeds, looking down at the file photographs. "Nasty." "Consumes?" Doggett frowned. "He bites off the genitals," Mulder told him cheerfully. Scully looked wan. Doggett flicked her a glance. He was sure details like that wouldn't sit well with her pregnant stomach. "Bites?" Doggett winced. "Scarfs down the whole meat and two veg," Mulder flicked another seed off Scully's desk, oblivious to her rigid shoulders. "Male victims," Doggett said, feeling a step behind. "And male perp," Mulder nodded, his grin inappropriate to the severity of the crime. Doggett felt his hackles rise. "You think that's amusin', Agent Mulder?" Mulder shook his head. "Not really. I just have a misplaced sense of irony." Doggett snorted. "I'll say." Scully shifted in her seat, a little colour coming back to her cheeks. "I think Agent Mulder is reacting to the implications in Deputy Director Kersh's orders." She glanced up, glaring. "With a misplaced sense of humour, I might say." Doggett shook his head. He could feel himself wandering off track again. Did they do it on purpose? Or did all the years of working together align mental wavelengths? He worked his fingers over the furrows on his forehead. Perhaps if he had a tantrum on the office floor, they'd stop it. "Help me out, here, Agent Scully," he said, wearily, opting against hysterics for the time being. "Reactin' to what?" "You're going undercover, Agent Doggett," Mulder butted in, stuffing the rest of the seeds in his jacket pocket. "Hope you like disco." Doggett was treated to a face-splitting grin. Scully sighed. "Mulder... Do you mind?" Doggett looked from one to the other. "What's he talkin' about, Agent Scully?" "Kersh's orders." Scully's lips twitched. "Apparently you fit the victim profile. You're ordered to go undercover at the club where the last two victims were taken." "I fit the profile?" Mulder leaned over Scully, pathologically incapable of keeping his mouth shut. "You know, Agent Doggett. Tall, blue-eyed, skinny..." A wicked glint in the other man's eye irritated Doggett. "On the mature side." He arranged his face in a neutral mask. He refused to give Mulder the satisfaction of reacting to his words. "Yeah?" "Yeah." Mulder laughed, moving round from the cabinet, prowling closer to Doggett, who watched him approach, keeping his face calm. "You fit the profile, alright, Agent Doggett." Doggett stared straight ahead, as Mulder walked in back of him. Clenching his jaw, he thanked his drill sergeant for hours of motionless parade-ground training. He was not going to turn round and look. He refused to. "You fit the profile just fine." The voice very close now. Way too close. Doggett tightened his jaw. "Mulder..." Scully said. She was shaking her head in weary amusement. As Doggett watched, she rolled her eyes at him. She thought this clown was funny? "Only thing is..." Doggett's eyes snapped wide as fingers ruffled through the hairs on the back of his neck. "You really need to get a hair cut, John." Whipping round to face the other agent, Doggett felt his fists clench involuntarily. "Whadd'ya think you're doin'?" He growled. "Just checking you out for the job, Agent Doggett." Mulder backed away, laughing. He flicked his gaze towards Scully. "Tell him." The fists stayed tight. If he took a step forward, he calculated that he could probably break that ridiculous nose in one blow. Was it instant dismissal for striking a fellow agent? Doggett couldn't think past the cloud of indignation of having Mulder touch him. "Agent Doggett..." Scully voice cut through the atmosphere between the two men. "Agent Doggett?" Doggett tore his glare away from Mulder's grin with sheer self- control. He parted his lips to drag a breath in. Sometimes, just sometimes, his temper howled to be let out. And he had a feeling this particular Agent was going see that beast fly, one of these days. Brought to you by the letter M, for Mulder. "What?" He turned his back on Mulder, trying not to snap. He swore, if that man touched him again... He could feel a headache coming on. "Assistant Director Kersh wants you to go undercover at the Eros Club. Tonight. Full wire-tap, video surveillance and outside back-up." She was all business-like and brusque. He rubbed his forehead again. Okay, undercover. No problem. No big deal. "The Eros Club." Mulder whispered, too close to his ear to be comfortable. "So?" Doggett took a deep breath and locked eyes with Scully to calm himself down. She was looking at him with one of those smiles all over her face. Did she practise them in front of a mirror? That voice behind again. "Ever been there, Agent Doggett?" Any second now, he was going to bury his fist in Mulder's face and fuck the consequences. "No." "Interesting place." "Really?" Yep. Any second now. Across the room, Scully sighed. "Mulder. Stop annoying Agent Doggett." She picked up the file and held it out. "Here. You might as well get up to speed on this thing." At last, thought Doggett, stepping forward to take the folder. I get in the loop. He nodded his thanks and opened it up. "So what's this Eros place then? Some sort of disco?" Behind him, Mulder chuckled. Doggett flicked his blue eyes to Scully. Talk to me, they said. Talk to me before I lay one on him. To his surprise, he watched a pink blush crawl over her cheeks. "It's a um..." Scully busied herself, tidying her pens, not looking at him. "It's a...?" he prompted. Mulder made a snickering noise behind him. "It's a gay club, Agent Doggett." The anger inside Doggett drained away, leaving him with a very dry throat and what felt very much like a creeping blush of his own. * Part 2/16 Doggett swallowed, hoping his voice wouldn't squeak when he spoke. "A gay club?" Okay. Reasonable steady. "Um... Yes." Scully still had trouble looking at him. Part of his mind wondered why that was. "I see." The professional agent inside him was currently arguing in a corner with his masculinity. There was absolutely no reason why this should be any different to any other sort of undercover work. He'd done enough of them when he was a cop. Drug-dealers, thieves. Assorted maniacs. Shit, he'd even posed as a paedophile, once. The memory of that case brought a twitch to his face. He pushed the images away. This one should be a walk in the park. "Lucky you, Agent Doggett." Mulder moved round to lean on Scully's desk. "You get to dress up and go boogie with all the big boys." Doggett kept his eyes on the folder in front of him, pretending to read. He didn't want to look at Mulder just now. He wasn't sure he'd got his calm' face on. "Yeah, lucky me," he said, neutrally. The trickle of apprehension had evolved into full flow. Shit. This whole situation was just giggle-fodder to Mulder's sick sense of humour. Well he'd be damned if he'd let his discomfort show. "What's the plan then, Agent Scully?" Business-like again, Scully tapped the phone on the desk. "Well, we'll wire you up. The lab has some micro-feed mics they want to try out in the field." Doggett nodded, pulling himself back together. Get a grip, man. "And the club has agreed to let us set up an eye over the exits. That gives a good view of the alleyway." "Back up?" "Out front. Usual van." He nodded again. Straight forward set up. Should be smooth. "Bodies?" Scully shook her head. "Just you." She pulled a face. "Kersh didn't approve another agent on the floor." She raised her chin. "You're on your own, I'm afraid." Doggett shrugged. No surprise there. Kersh was a skinflint and an asshole. "No problem." "But..." Scully glanced at the door. Doggett frowned. "I see no reason to put your life in danger simply because of budgetary constraints." "So?" Scully smiled. "I've arranged for undercover' undercover back- up." The sound of sunflower seed cracking sliced through Doggett's brain. An exquisitely uncomfortable image of being smirked at while he did the job, as painful as a paper-cut. No. No way. He'd rather go into the damned club stark naked than have Fox Mulder eyeballing him. That headache was starting to really bite down. He scowled. "You don't mean..." Mulder wandered towards Scully. He was chomping those damned seeds again. Doggett really wanted to slap them out of his hands. "Scully thought you should have someone in place. To watch your back." His eyebrow wiggled up and down suggestively, as his eyes roved up and down Doggett's body. Doggett clenched his teeth and forced the blush down. If he said what he thought he was going to say, that tantrum he'd considered was imminent. "Unofficially, of course," Mulder grinned. "It has to be off the record, Agent Doggett. Kersh would..." She paused. "Well, let's say it wouldn't be in the best interests of the Bureau to have personnel acting as unofficial back up on a case." "I bet not." "So." Mulder rubbed his hands together. "Don't worry about being left hanging, Agent Doggett. Someone will be in place. Incognito." He didn't want to do this to himself. He didn't want to give Mulder the satisfaction. He really didn't want to ask. Shit. He couldn't help himself. "Who?" Scully coughed. Mulder grinned. Doggett looked from one to the other. Neither spoke. "Let's just say it's all under control, Agent." Scully said. That didn't sound very reassuring. "Who, Agent Scully?" he repeated. "Wait and see, Agent Doggett." Mulder said, that shit-eating grin plastered all over his face. "I'd rather know beforehand, if it's all the same to you." "Spoilsport." Mulder shook his head. "Please, Agent Doggett. Trust me." Scully pinned him with her eyes. "It's taken care of. I'm not at liberty to say any more, at the moment." Swallowing the dozen or so snappy remarks, Doggett glared and nodded, reluctantly. He would trust her. He didn't like it, but he would hold his council, for her. But if he caught sight of this seed-eating joker sitting at the bar, he guaranteed shit was going to fly. He moved behind his desk, slapping the folder down, wincing as the photographs spilled out. They were not nice. Doggett felt his nuts shrivelling a little at the close- ups. He sat, unconsciously pulling at his trouser legs. "What time's kick-off?' he asked Scully, holding up the case notes. "Your place. At eight." The papers in Doggett's fist folded gently and hung limply as he stared, motionless. "What?" Scully glanced at him. "To prepare. Your place." There were all sorts of comments he could make to that. Not many of them suitable for family viewing. One or two of them might even make Agent Scully drop the kid. He settled for clearing his throat. "Not here?" "No." Why the hell not? A petulant voice inside his head whined. "May I ask why?" "Cover." Well, this was a fun conversation, Doggett thought, returning the notes to the folder. The woman was enigmatic to the extreme. The two of them had a thing for oblique answers. Well, fuck it. He was sick of oblique. "Agent Scully. I hate to presume to question your authority over this..." Like hell. "But since when do undercover ops. include the agent's private residences?" At least she had the grace to look uncomfortable. Doggett took grim pleasure in that. "I want to make sure everything is secure." She fiddled with the desk tidy again. "Secure?" He was gonna push this all the way. "No chance of any mistakes." A flash of something flickered over her face. "I've seen the bodies in those photographs. I don't want..." She dragged in a breath. "I don't want to expose you to any unnecessary risk." Oh. Surprise must be written all over his face. Scully gave a straightforward smile. "I care about your safety, Agent Doggett." How about that? That was one of the nicest thing she'd said to him. He nodded, opening his mouth to speak. Shit. What the hell was he gonna say? Mulder cut into his thoughts, knocking aside anything he had been about to say. "So, Agent Doggett. What're you going to wear?" Blue eyes screwed up in a wince. "What?" "Your outfit." Mulder held his hands out and indicated up and down. "What look are you going for?" There was way too much mirth in Mulder's voice for his liking. He shook his head. "Whadd'you mean, Agent Muldah?" "You gonna go butch? Preppy?" He unleashed another grin. "How about drag? I could see you in a nice little black number with matching handbag and shoes." Underneath the desk, Doggett gripped his thigh tightly. His jaw spasmed. He was gonna crack a tooth at this rate. And if he did, he wasn't the only agent that'd be going to the dentist. "Mulder." Scully flicked a pencil at the smirking man. "Enough. Agent Doggett. Ignore him. He's trying to press your buttons." She scowled at Mulder. "Casual dress is fine." Mulder couldn't resist. "Dress? See, I told you, Doggett..." Another pencil flew. "Mulder!" Breathing through his mouth, Doggett jerked his head at Scully. "Jeans, okay, Agent Scully?" He didn't trust himself to look at Mulder. And he really didn't trust himself to speak to the other man. The temptation to jump over the desk and pound on him was overwhelming. "Jeans will be fine." She smiled. "And a tee-shirt, perhaps." "Wasn't planning on goin' bare-chested," Doggett muttered, looking down, hoping he wasn't blushing. He didn't need the thought of Agent Scully picturing his naked torso. Mulder couldn't resist. "How disappointing..." "Go and research something, Mulder." Scully selected a file from the in-box. "Take this with you." She tossed it to him. "You're no fun, Scully," he complained, but wandered to the door, anyway. He waved over to Doggett. "See you tonight, Johnny." Oblivious to the nasty look he was getting, Mulder winked. "And don't forget that haircut, will you? Our perp. Likes the military look." Without waiting for a reply, he grinned at Doggett and left, whistling an Abba tune. Behind her desk, Scully sighed. "Sorry," she said, shrugging and indicating the empty doorway. Doggett grunted, not trusting himself to speak. He looked down at the file, sorting through the scenes-of-crime work. Bad enough he should get the short straw with this case, but to have Mulder ragging on him made it just peachy. Maybe if he was really lucky, someone would catch this maniac before tomorrow night, and he wouldn't have to go to some queer bar and act like one of the girls. And just how the hell was he supposed to do that? How did guys behave in those places? Was everyone expecting him to... Images from past vice-squad videotapes bounced around in his mind. Shit. He rooted in his side drawer for an aspirin. Damn Mulder. Damn Kersh. And damn this headache. * Part 3/16 Friday evening. Doggett Residence, Falls Church. 7.45 p.m. John Doggett stood in front of his bathroom mirror, staring without seeing. Leaning one hand on the edge of the sink, he dragged his razor over his chin instinctively. He was not looking forward to this. Not one little bit. The whole thing just wasn't his scene. Mulder might be right at home in the Eros Club - probably wouldn't turn a hair, but the whole idea didn't lift John Doggett's dress one little bit. He grimaced at the analogy. Then sighed. Okay, okay, maybe he'd been lucky, or unlucky enough to have run into a few offers in his time, but he'd never taken them up. Never wanted to... Sudden memory of another man's warm hand on his chest in the Marine showers... He paused. Foam dripped down on his chest. Had he ever wanted to? Even just a little? For curiosity's sake? His macho mind skidded away from answering that. It was a stupid question. He'd been married, Had a son. He was straight. And he was about to go into a gay bar and pretend to be right at home. Shit. What would Rudy have made of this? He'd have laughed his ass off and offered to show him the ropes, that's what Rudy would have made of it. Doggett smiled through the foam. Good old Rudy. One of the best Marines he ever served with, best drinkers he'd ever gotten slammed with, and the only man who'd ever put his hand on him, without getting punched out. No - If he'd ever wanted to wander along the road less travelled, he'd have wandered down it hand in hand with Lieutenant Rudy Wallis. He grinned at the memory of Rudy drunkenly telling him he'd consider it a great privilege to be the one to fuck John every which way to Sunday, should he ever get the urge. He shook his head, rinsing his razor. Good friend. Regularly told him he was very disappointed John'd never felt the need to take him up on the offer. The memory sharpened to Rudy lying in the street, still relentlessly offering to give John a blow job while his life bled away. He had been royally pissed that the one and only time he got to lie in John Doggett's arms, was as he died. He was glad he finally gave his friend the kiss he'd asked for every day for five years. The look on his face had made it worth the embarrassment.. He pushed the memory away. See ya, Rudy, man. He stared in the mirror. Shit! What was he doing? He'd shaved without thinking - it was what he'd do automatically, if he was going out on a date. Damn! What if men all went stubbled to these places? He glared at himself. Half done. Oh great. He was neither one thing or the other. He shook his head in disgust at his lack of thought, and finished the job. He'd just have to be one of the clean-shaven queers. The sound of the doorbell rang out as he was finishing up, making him jump, cutting his chin. Shit! Dabbing angrily at the welling spot, he charged out of the bathroom and down the stairs. The bell rang again. "Okay, okay," he yelled. "Keep your panties on!" He flung the door open and glared at Mulder, standing with his finger on the bellpush. He had known... Just known it would be him. "I'm not deaf, Agent Muldah," he growled. Mulder's eyebrows jumped. He raked his gaze up and down the body in front of him. Doggett remembered his state of undress. He felt himself colouring up and fought the urge to cover himself with his hands. "Nice look, Agent Doggett," Mulder said, nodding. "The whole wet' thing suits you, I think." Eyes narrowed, Doggett opened his mouth to tell Mulder to take a flying fuck. "I still think a tee-shirt would be an idea, though." Scully stepped from behind Mulder's back, a smile of amusement playing on her lips, as she did the up-and-down thing with her eyes. "I have no idea where we'd put the wire, otherwise." Great. Now he knew he was blushing. Shit. Why hadn't he stopped to pull a shirt on? "You'd better come in," he muttered, moving to one side. Chuckling, the two of them walked inside. Closing the door without slamming it was an exercise in self-control. Out of sight of the other agents, Doggett shut his eyes briefly, leaning his forehead on the back of the door. Damn. "Okay if we set up here?" Scully called through from the kitchen. "Sure." He called. He really couldn't give a shit where she set up. Alaska would be fine with him. Or even outer-Goddamned- space. "Let's rock and roll, Agent Doggett," Mulder was cheerful to the point of obnoxious. Doggett dragged himself from the hall and into the lounge. "Come on. Time's a-wastin'. And the man of your nightmares might be looking for you, as we speak." He pointed at Doggett's head. "Love what you've done with your hair, baby." "Yeah, well." He could feel another wave of colour threatening to change the shade of his ears. "I read the files, too. Gotta match the profile." The barber in his usual shop had raised an eyebrow at the request for a very short back-and-sides, this evening. Asked if he had a hot date. He hadn't bothered explaining. "Mind if I get dressed, first?" He said, conscious of his state of undress, and waving a hand at his chest, moved towards the stairs. Scully shook her head. "Let me fix the mic, first." She pulled reams of wires out of the briefcase on the counter. "I need bare skin to tape to." Shit. He'd forgotten about that particular joy. "Um..." "Come on, now. Don't be a baby." Mulder took his elbow and pulled. "It's not gonna hurt. Not until she rips it off, anyway." Doggett looked pointedly at the hand, then back up to Mulder. He made no attempt to move. Getting the point, Mulder let go. "Okay, okay. Have it your way." He turned, yelling. "Scully, tell him!" "Shut up, Mulder." Doggett walked into the kitchen, annoyance overcoming nerves. What was there to be embarrassed about? She was a Doctor, for heaven's sake. She'd seen bodies before. Okay, so hers were usually dead, he told himself, approaching her. Suck it up, Marine. Be a man. He stood in front of her, squashing his embarrassment. "How d'you want me?" Scully glanced up from the electrical spaghetti. "Dry, might be a good start." She nodded to the towel rack. "The tape won't take, otherwise." "Oh. Yeah." He snatched a dish towel and rubbed at the damp spots on his chest. He gave his face a once-over too and tossed the towel in the washer. He put a finger to his chin, inspecting. It'd stopped bleeding. "Nice house." Mulder wandered in, looking at everything. "Thank you." Automatic response. Product of good manners. He really wanted to tell Mulder to sit the fuck down and stop being so goddamned nosy, but he held his tongue and walked back to Scully. "Okay. Dried." She glanced at his chest again. Didn't seem to faze her, but damn! It made him nervous. Being the only half-naked person in the room will do that to you. Her head cocked one way then the other. She held up the thin wire. "I can't decide where to put it." Mulder sniggered. Doggett turned his head to give him a look, but Scully didn't seem to be paying him any mind. "Do you think the perp would feel it if I tape it to your side?" Doggett's eyes widened. "What?" "You know. He might feel it if you end up dancing or something." Shit! What the fuck? His mind went into overdrive. Dancing' was bad enough. He was having a hard enough time with dancing'. But the idea of something' was really doing a number on his imagination. "Agent Scully..." he began. How was he going to put this? That there was no fuckin' way on God's green earth he was going to dance with another man, let alone allow something'. "Maybe there." She leaned forward and held the wire to his chest, just below his sternum. His belly jerked. Scully looked up and grinned. A real-life, honest-to-goodness grin. "Ticklish?" Despite his discomfort, Doggett grinned back down at her. Oh, yes, he thought to himself. Very. But he decided many years ago, that it wasn't very butch, and downright foolish, to admit it. Especially to a woman. So he lied. "Not so's you'd notice." "Okay," she said, looking back at what she was doing. Her fingers were a little chilly, as she moved the wire around, trying out different positions. Doggett bit down on the inside of his lip to keep from laughing. Torture. It was sheer torture. Perhaps he should have told the truth. Maybe she'd ease up with the touching, if she knew what this was doing to him. One cool hand steadied itself on his side, as the wire travelled from belly to shoulder, with his partner making little grunts of disapproval. He tipped his head back a little, swallowing howls of laughter. If she kept this up much longer, he'd either wet his pants or scream himself into a heap. "Make your mind up, Scully. The poor guy's dying with you groping him all over." A relieved breath hissed out between Doggett's lips as Scully straightened up. She glanced at the man draped over a kitchen stool. "I am not groping him, Mulder." She frowned. "This new wire is tricky." A lip disappeared between her teeth. "I can't decide the most discreet place to put it." "I..." Scully held up her hand, without even glancing at Mulder. "No. No suggestions, thank you. That's not helping." Mulder shrugged. "Only offering." You could offer to fuck off out of my house and not sit there, staring at me like a leper at a moisturizing convention, Doggett thought, nastily. The other man hadn't taken his eyes off the tickle-fest for a second. What was with that? Whatever Mulder's reasons for staring, fact was, it was making him very uncomfortable. "That's it!" Scully snapped her fingers, making them both jump. "What's it?" Doggett asked, pathetically grateful she was keeping her hands to herself, and not torturing him any more. "His help." She smiled happily and waved her hand. "Get over here, Mulder. I want to borrow you." "Ooh! Talk dirty to me, Scul!" Mulder unfolded himself and hurried over to her. "Hold him." she indicated Doggett. "What?" Mulder frowned. "Hold him," she said again. "Agent Scully, I don't need to be held down." He shook his head. "I'm not that ticklish. Honest." The last thing in the world he wanted to do, was give Fox Mulder the perverse satisfaction of holding him immobile while Scully poked and prodded at his body. "I don't mean hold you down." She made encircling motions with her arms. "I mean hold'. Like you're dancing." Doggett stared at her. She couldn't be serious, he thought. No way. * Part 4/16 "I beg your pardon?" he said, erring on the side of good manners. "Dancing." Scully moved her hips and sashayed. Mulder nodded, understanding far more than Doggett wanted him to. "Oh yeah, I see where you're going with this. See if I can feel the wire." "Bingo." "No." Doggett backed up. "No way." Abso-fucking-lutely no way. His ass hit the work surface. His hands came up as Mulder approached. "Hey, Doggett. What's the problem?" Mulder asked, another of those grins all over his face. "You're the problem, Agent." He tried glaring at the other man. It didn't seem to be having any effect. "Come on, Agent Doggett. How else will we know if the wire is detectable?" Scully had her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face. It was one of her I'm-going-to-get-my-own-way scowls. Not this time, sister, Doggett thought. "It'll be fine," he snapped. "No it won't." "Come here, Doggett," Mulder grinned, holding his hands out. "Give us a cuddle." "Fuck you." The words popped out without Doggett's permission. Scully's eyebrows went up. Mulder laughed. "Maybe later, big boy." Glancing at Scully, Doggett rubbed his fingers over his wrinkled forehead and bobbed his head. "I apologise for my language, Agent Scully," he said. He was mortified he'd let his temper get the better of him. His father would have whipped his ass for using that word in front of a woman. Southern manners were a pain in the ass sometimes. "Not a problem, Agent Doggett." Scully shrugged. "I'm a sailor's daughter. I've heard worse." Mulder chuckled. "She's said worse, too, man." He tilted his head on one side. "But I wouldn't push your luck, if I were you. Now come on." He held out his arms. All the other words he could use that would have gotten him a thrashing from his Pa ran through Doggett's mind, all the way to a little trapdoor marked common sense'. He knew this was one he was not going to get out of with any dignity. If at all. He sighed. "There's a good boy." Mulder was really going to get it, one of these days. "Behave, Mulder." Scully stepped towards them, the wire dangling. "Try this." She slapped the thin mic to his left side, in a none-too gentle fashion. Doggett got the message. Behave or be hurt. He reluctantly stepped forward. One wise-crack. Just one smart-assed remark... "Okay," Mulder said, relentlessly invading Doggett's personal space. Big hands went to the top of denim-clad hips. Shit. What the fuck? Confusion raced through Doggett's mind. What was he supposed to do with his hands? Where was he even supposed to look, for cryin' out loud? "Come on, Agent Doggett. Make an effort." Mulder pulled on the hips under his hands and yanked Doggett forward. Their groins bumped. This was way.... way too close. The growl he was nurturing, threatened to crawl out of his throat. "Mulder..." he warned. "Look," Mulder stared at him, so near that Doggett could smell those damned sunflower seeds on his breath.. "How're you gonna get this done tonight, if you can't even bear to touch me?" Scully sucked a breath through her teeth. "He's got a point, Agent Doggett. It won't look good on our report if you mess up through latent homophobia." Doggett glared at her. "I'm not a homophobe, Agent Scully." "Really?" Mulder grinned and bumped their hips together again. "Really." Doggett snapped back. "I'm a Muldahphobe." There was a long pause, the ticking of the kitchen clock the only thing bold enough to make a sound, and then, peals of laughter bubbled out of Mulder. Doggett lean back in surprise. This wasn't the reaction he'd been expecting. A punch in the mouth maybe, or a major sulk, but not this. Giggling helplessly, Mulder pulled Doggett into a hug. Shocked, Doggett allowed it. He wondered which one of them was unhinged. "Oh, John Doggett!" Mulder broke away, wiping his face. "That's the most honest thing I think you've said to me!" Doggett looked doubtfully at the man in front of him. "I'm glad you're impressed." "Oh yeah." Mulder shook his head. "Thank you." "You're one twisted guy, Fox Muldah," Doggett said, his face creased in confusion. "Better believe it," Mulder replied. "Now where were we?" The long arms snaked back around Doggett's waist. "Can you feel it?" Scully asked, peering between the two of them. I hope to God she's talking about the wire, Doggett thought, trying not to squirm. He could smell Mulder's shampoo, feel every button on his shirt. It was making him even more nervous. And he didn't know why. He was sure his ears were turning bright red. Mulder chuckled. "You do mean the wire, don't you, Scully?" There was the sound of a small hand slapping someone's back. "Yes, Mulder. The wire." "I dunno." To Doggett's chagrin, Mulder wriggled closer. "Maybe if I..." Mulder pulled closer, slipping his chin up onto a bare shoulder. The hands slid up Doggett's sides, brushing across skin, raising goosebumps. They wandered across a very tense back. Instinctively, Doggett raised his own hands and rested them on the biceps. Damn. This felt weird. If it was a woman in his arms he could... No. Doggett squashed that thought dead. "I don't think I can feel it. What d'you think, Agent Doggett?" Mulder's breath was warm in his ear. Doggett frowned, disturbed by the feeling. It wasn't as unpleasant as he would have imagined. And that was as distracting as shit. "I... er, no." He floundered, embarrassed, wondering what he was supposed to be saying. What he was supposed to be feeling. Confusion and consternation did battle in his head, both finally giving way to anger. "How the hell would I know?" he snapped verging on the edge of his temper. I'm wearing the damn thing." "Oh yeah." Mulder was milking this, Doggett realised. He gripped the arms under his hands and pushed roughly away. "Satisfied?" he asked Scully, keeping his eyes steadfastly away from the man in front of him. "I don't know..." Scully frowned. She moved to pull the wire from his skin. The tape ripped with a bite. "Ow!" he complained, letting go of Mulder and clamping a hand to his side. "Told you it'd hurt," Mulder grinned. "Don't be a baby," Scully admonished, advancing again. "It stings," Doggett told her. He'd like to see her have sticky- tape ripped from her skin without complaint. "Take it like a man, Agent Doggett." Mulder leaned against the counter, arms folded. He was enjoying himself way too much, Doggett thought. Sick sack of shit. "Try here." Scully jabbed her hand forward and slapped the wire in the first place she'd tried. Doggett rolled his eyes. Just like a woman. "Okay. Fine." He looked down at the intrusion. Good job he didn't have a hairy chest, he thought. That'd be a bitch to pull off. "Good job you're a smoothie," Mulder remarked. "Skinner nearly went through the roof when he did a tap last year." Doggett gave Mulder a sideways glance. He wondered if Mulder had spent a lot of time staring at their boss while he'd had a tap fitted, or if he was just the lucky one. "Well?" Scully waved her hand at Doggett's body. "Why don't you try?" Mulder offered. "It wouldn't work, Mulder." Scully looked a little uncomfortable. "And why's that, might I ask?" She gave him a look. "I'm not tall enough, Agent Mulder. That's why. I don't reach the same bits as another man would." "Ah. I see." A grin. Doggett had the sneakiest of feelings that Mulder had known Scully's answer before he asked the question. Then suddenly he got it. A flash of insight. Mulder was just friggin' around. Messin' with his mind. Well fuck that. Two could play dirty. He reached for Mulder. "Come here," he ordered. Pulling the other man none too gently towards him, he wrapped himself around a gaping agent, in a full, tight body hug. "What...?" Mulder gasped, all his breath squeezed out of his body. Smirking with the sweet sound of victory in his ears, Doggett ground himself against Mulder. "Can you feel that, Agent Muldah?" He growled in the other man's ear. He'd give the smart-mouthed SOB something to profile. Have him in therapy before you could say Agent Asswipe. "Um..." It made a pleasant change not to get some smart-assed remark. "Well?" He turned his head away from Scully and whispered in an ear. "Can you feel this?" he murmured. Um... No, Agent Doggett." Mulder struggled against the embrace. "I can't feel the wire." It was like holding a panicking cat. Mulder wriggled and squirmed. "Okay...okay. Lemme go!" Finally laughing for the first time that day, Doggett released the other agent. Mulder sprang away as if singed. "What did you do that for?" he whined. "Do what?" Doggett grinned his lop-sided grin. "Oh stop fussing, Mulder." Scully had missed the sub-text to the situation. But he knew damn well Mulder hadn't. He raised an eyebrow, challenging him to make something of it. Mulder looked away, saying nothing. Two-nothin' to the Big Dawg. Perhaps this wasn't going to be such a crappy case, after all. "Was that okay?" Scully looked from one to the other. "Fine by me," Doggett told her, shrugging. Mulder made some sort of grunting noise and folded his arms, defensively. "Is that a yes', Mulder?" He grunted again and Scully sighed. "Fine." She reached for the roll of tape. "Lets secure that there, then." Stripping off a generous length of tape, Scully's firm fingertips pressed the wire flush to Doggett's chest, the radio transmitting tail disappearing down towards his jeans. He watched her work, her tongue sticking out from between her lips as she concentrated. "There you go." She patted the tape. "That shouldn't be too uncomfortable." Waving vaguely she indicated his jeans. "You can tuck the tail in yourself." Doggett grinned, the thought of asking her to do it for him, tickling his lips. It'd almost be worth it to watch her blush. The trapdoor of common sense slammed in his mind. Maybe not, he re-considered, shoving the wire down his jeans with his left hand. She'd probably shoot him. "What are you going to put on?" she was asking, as she packed away the kit. Doggett looked up, blankly. "Huh?" Oops. Wasn't paying attention. She flapped her free hand up and down. "Clothes. On top. What?" "Dunno." He shrugged, and slipped the latch on the trapdoor in his mind. Grinning, he turned to the sulky man by the sink. "Whadd'you think, Agent Muldah?" "What d'you mean?" "Whadd'you think I should go for?" This was actually quite fun. He could suddenly see what Mulder saw in baiting people. "Button-down or tee-shirt? Which d'ya think'll look good?" "Why're you asking me?" Oh, boy, did that man have a pout, when he put his mind to it. "Well, you seemed to have a pretty good idea about what I'd look good in, this morning." Mulder pulled a face. "Well, Mulder?" Scully folded her arms. A faint smile was playing on her lips. "Oh, I don't know." Mulder pushed himself off the counter. "Suit yourself." He stalked off into the lounge. Scully chuckled. She looked over at Doggett and winked. "Touche, I think," she said. "Oh yeah." Doggett smiled back at her. "Payback's a bitch, ain't it?" he whispered.