"Last Gasp"- Anyone who saw this movie prior to season 8 of the X-Files began probably wasn't surprised to learn that Robert Patrick would be joining the show. This movie looks exactly like an XF episode - and here I am actually thinking of one episode in particular ("Shapes"). Robert plays Leslie Chase, an architect intent on building a hotel on ground the local tribe (the Totec) considers sacred. So when several members of his construction crew are found dead with ankle tendons cut ("they don't like you running!") and the skin ripped off their chests, Leslie decides that the tribe needs to be 'taken care of'. Of course, by 'taken care of' I mean shot down like deer during hunting season. When Leslie and the men he has blackmailed into driving the Totec into extinction come across a tribal chief that is not yet dead, Leslie is told the legend of the Totec. "You can't get too near a dying Totec...something to do with their spirits...Totec are supposed to live forever. They believe a man's soul escapes to another body in his dying breath." They don't realize they have left a sole surviving member of the tribe - a Totec chief - until they are attacked. The chief pins Leslie to the ground bodily and does a messy impression of Count Dracula before Leslie is able to reach the knife that has been dropped on the ground and ram it into the chief's neck. Unfortunately, this leaves him trapped underneath a dying Totec. I'm sure you can guess the result of this. Fast forward several months (I think...I have to start reading the stuff printed on the bottom of the screen). Now we meet Nora Weeks, a woman whose husband - a construction worker (gee...you think there's some sort of connection?) - has disappeared inexplicably. She hires an FBI agent to find out what happened to him. The agent finds out that Nora's husband, Julian, worked for Leslie's construction company. So he heads out to do some investigating at the company headquarters (I think) which is apparently not far from where Leslie lives - in a mansion with an entryway that is very reminiscent of "Gone with the Wind". And that is the last anybody hears from the FBI agent... So Nora heads out to find her husband herself (of course the audience, as always more intelligent than the characters, knows the man is already dead). One thing leads to another and she realizes that Leslie is the murderer. The funny thing is, we can't exactly hate him for what he does. We know that when he runs around in a loincloth (I bet I just got a bunch of female's attentions) and war paint that, basically, someone else is 'driving'...literally. This is revealed through various conversations and scenes where we watch him "become" the dead Totec chief. At one point, Nora points a gun at him and he holds out his arms to basically say 'go ahead, shoot me'. "You're the only one that can end this for me, Nora..." I'll stop now, before I say too much... Meanwhile, of course, Nora's best friend Goldie has fallen for Leslie, completely ignoring Nora's warnings of potential danger because he is "unmarried and incredibly wealthy" so, of course, she is blind to everything else. There's a great line here: "Love may be blind, but I'm here to tell you that lust is blind *and* deaf. And dumb...*really* dumb!" Of course, there's also something to be said here about the love of money... I won't give away the ending. I'll just say that it is a classic X-Files ending. Take that as you will. ~Diandra Hollman